East/Eastern Sea (Tung-hai东海/Chia Eastern Sea) on Chinese Map
sia through the century and every knowledge and information was reported and recorded in China. They call it Eastern Sea (Tung-hai东海 ) , the ocean between East of Shanghai area to Jeju island and Kyusyuu island, incruding Suyan-Rock苏岩礁. Most of European Maps referemced the name of Eastern Sea or Oriental Sea ,referenced from Chinese map.
China was well-known to European and their geography knowledge is quoted from Chinese geographic informations . China produced enormous number of Geographic magazine and Maps. I just show some maps which describes Chia Eastern Sea/Tung-hai , which is the original description of ,Mer du Cin, Mer du Orientale/Oriental Sea/Mer Bleue/Ostchinesche Meer) described between China East area and Korean Peninsula. Korean lier propaganda scholor cheats us to explain those East China Sea as the evidence of "Korea East Sea"
1135.歴代地理指掌圖 古今華夷区域総要圖
East Sea between China continent and Korean penunsula.
1351.Yu-kung's 書集伝音釈 禹貢九州及今州郡之圖
East Sea between China continent and Korean penunsula.
1584.人子須知地理心学 中国三大幹龍総攬之圖
East Sea between China continent and Korean penunsula.
1613.図書篇 四海華夷総圖
East Sea between China continent and Korean penunsula.
1640..四書引蒙翼経圖解 天下三大幹附歴代帝都九州二十八宿分野総圖
East Sea Just a East of China continent.
Related likn (Wikipedia 东海)
It is obvious that those old Eastern/East Sea is East China Sea on Chinese maps. Korean always distorts the fact.Korean explain East Korean Sea, showing those East China Sea maps
D'anville Royaulme De Coree and Qing dynasty's 皇輿全覧圖
On 1707, Qing-dinasty Emperror "康熙帝" ordered to the missionary of Societas Iesu to produce map ,which based on the information by Surveying.
Tartary's officer brought from Corea to China that Map of Corea which it was stored on palace of Corea . (Du halde "China" Page 530 line 7)
On 1717 Map had completed and named 皇輿全覧図. D'anville's map of "Royaume de Coree"D'anville is the French translated version of 皇輿全覧図.
1735 - Pere J. B. Du Halde with maps by d'Anville, "Description Geographique, Historique, Chronologique, Politique, et Physique de l’Empire de la Chine et de la Tartarie Chinoise" was publised in The Hague. The Korean map was illustrated in the book.
1737 - "Royaume de Coree, Nouvel Atlas de la Chine" by d'Anville
1927.満漢合璧清内府一統輿地秘図ーーDiscovered on 1927 ,. This map is said that one of the original copy of 皇輿全覧図 published on 1717.
Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville (1697-1782), perhaps the greatest geographical author of the 18th century, was born at Paris on the 11th of July 1697. Both a geographer and cartographer, he greatly improved the standards of map-making. His maps of ancient geography, characterized by careful, accurate work and based largely on original research, are especially valuable. He left unknown areas of continents blank and noted doubtful information as such; compared to the lavish maps of his predecessors, his maps looked empty.
1602 Mateo Ricci’s World Map 坤輿万国全図
Oldest description of "Sea of Japan" in European maps by Mateo Ricci.
He produced it in Chiniese language. There are some copy of his World Map 1602, 坤輿万國全圖. You can see Digital Archives here(Miyagi Library. Kyoto Univ.)
In the map, the discription is as follows;
East (China) Sea describes as Great Ming Sea,大明海
Pacific ocean Japaa coast area describes Small Oriental 小東洋
Sea of Japan describes as Sea of Japan.日本海
In the map,also there are description that Korea belongings to China.
Other related Links;
Mateo Ricci's world Map and the copies.(List)
Japanese world Maps referenced from Mateo Ricci.(Muroga Collection)
cf: Some insist there are the Sea-of-Japan description on following articles or maps.(I hadnt confirmed it yet)
1.Gozalez Mendusa's "1586, Historia de las cosas más notables, ritos y costumbres del gran reyno de la China is an account of observations in China."
2.Igacio Moreira's Map of Japan who stayed in Japan 、1590-1592 (Lisbon)
Matteo Ricci, SJ (October 6, 1552 – May 11, 1610; traditional Chinese: 利瑪竇; simplified Chinese: 利玛窦; pinyin: Lì Mǎdòu; courtesy name: 西泰 Xītài) was an Italian Jesuit priest.
Matteo Ricci was born in 1552 in Macerata, then part of the Papal States. Ricci started learning theology and law in a Roman Jesuits' school. In 1577, he filed an application to be a member of a Missionary to India, and his journey began in March 1578 from Lisbon, Portugal. He arrived in Goa, a Portuguese Colony, in September 1578, and four years later he was dispatched to China.
日本海呼称問題は、一見、唯一日本に侵略して奪い取った”竹島”が"日本海”にあるのが彼らにとっては都合が悪く、"独島”は"東海"でなければならないという、彼らの妄想・願望が底にあるように見えますが、じつは別の理由があります。 それはやはり竹島問題なのです。
竹島は、歴史的にも国際法的にも、日本の領土であることが実は韓国側が一番痛感しているわけで、 そのために、韓国国内では、いい加減な文書を「韓国領の証拠である」と捏造の解釈、翻訳をつけてマスメディアにナショナリズムを鼓舞させ、外国にそういった洗脳された"愛国者”を操って、プロパガンダを海外にばら撒いているのです。もちろん何も知らない外国人は、調べもせずに”日本が悪い”と思うようになります。
韓国側は、主に北東アジア歴史財団という、韓国政府のお抱えの財団が、VANKというインターネットテロリストを支援しています。この北東アジア歴史財団と言うのは、”歴史”の為の財団ではなくて、朝鮮日報の報道にもあるように、明らかに日本を狙った反日財団であり、これは韓国政府から資金が出ています。彼らが世界中で反日プロパガンダをばら撒き、竹島や日本海に関する記述を韓国の都合のよい記述に書き換えるまで、繰り返しSPAMを送りつけています。 また、これらの活動に、反日企業のSamsungも出資しており、蔚陵島にプロパガンダ博物館を作っています。またキムジャンフンや貴方の知っている韓国人タレントも、実は反日プロパガンダに加担しているというのは珍しくないのです。 マスコミが意図的にそれを隠蔽しています。
韓国が採っている戦略は、反日運動を韓国国内で盛り上げたり、教育にプロパガンダを持ち込み将来の”反日戦闘員”を養成しています。これらは実は韓国内の一部の教員の間でも議論があることはあるのですが、これに公然と異議を唱える事は即ち社会から抹殺される一種のファシズム社会ですのでRusk Documentを知っていても、于山島が竹島ではなく竹嶼であるとわかってしまっても、皆沈黙します。
海外では反日プロパガンダを拡散させ、日本国内で所謂"良心的日本人”が増えるようプロパガンダを流す。 そして”不法占拠の度合いを”を着々とていくのです。さらに日本海呼称問題・対馬・慰安婦・教科書とリンクさせ、対日イメージの悪化を推進するために、更なるプロパガンダ拡散に励む。このプロパガンダ反日活動を応援する韓国人タレントも存在しますが日本でそのような反日運動が韓国芸能人・マスメディア・学校・政府とリンクしているのを知っているのはごく一部の”韓国通”だけです。 所謂”親韓日本人”は、この現実から意図的に目をそらしています。また、親韓日本人を装う工作員の朝鮮人の存在も確認されています。
国際世論で、日本が悪玉であり、竹島の件でも侵略者だと印象操作を図る事。 この手のプロパガンダは中国もやっていますが、日本を悪玉に仕立てる事で、自分達がまるで被害者であるかのような印象を、事情の知らない外国人に印象付けているのです。
そ うやって、反日運動が盛り上がれば、日本人が根負けして、日本側がやがて譲歩する、と本気で思い込んでいるのです。是が韓国側の竹島問題に対す る戦略の根幹です。 韓国側は歴史上及び国際法上竹島は韓国領土ではなく、日本が韓国に対して不法占拠を抗議している限り実効支配は認められず、不 法占拠であることは自覚している感がある。 そのため韓国にとっては、日本側の根負けが必要なのであるが故の時間稼ぎをするためにリンクさせているのです。
しかし、根負けをしてしまうとどうなるか、これはわかりきっています。 日本は韓国の歪曲プロパガンダを認めたことになりますから、世界から日本に対する偏見、やがては反日運動に駆けつけて日本製品不買運動などに繋がる可能性があります。 また、現在は何も 言わないが、このような反日運動が飛び火して、金目当てに他の国も言いがかりを付けてくる可能性があります。 日本人が、「平和主義」云々で、何もせず放 置しておく事は、将来、そして子供達の代にまでとんでもない状況を作ってしまう事になるのです。 日本があれだけ莫大な資金や技術を援助しても、やつらの 態度は一向に変わらないのです。我々の税金はどぶ川に垂れ流されているのと一緒です。 なので、やつらのプロパガンダは、粉砕する必要があります。その中心が竹島なのです。そして、その陽動作戦の一端を担っているのが、日本海呼称問題なのです。
Korean's "East Sea" in the 13th Century in world maps? No!, It is distorture.
---quote from Shin Kim's "East Sea Forum---
On top of this, the history since the 13th century, when the East Sea first appeared in world maps, was divided up into centuries for convenience. Each century was examined and analysed to study the process of transitions in the East Sea naming.
--quote end--
Im not sure which map he claims on his forum. The famous map known for China on 1185 is 古今華夷區域揔要圖 made in China. There discribes East Sea東海,which means "China"Eastern Sea. There locates between west of Korean Peninsula and east of China. It is no relation with "Korean" East Sea.
At least Korean's oldest map is published on 15Century so it cannot confirmed Korean East Sea on 13th century.
Vinland Map, Carpine, Yale University, 1440 - MARE OCCEANUM ORIENTALE
Around the 16-17th Century, prominent description for for Sea of Japan was "blank" or "Mer de Cin(China) or Mer Orientale". But Checking the maps, there describes "Mer Orientale", some is only Sea of Japan part and some describes both Sea of Japan and south side of Japan coast, as the meaning "The Sea around Japan Islet ".
(later I will upload map list and details "Oriental Sea" in the maps)
David Ramsey Map Colelction survey for "Sea of Japan" description.
1651-1700 Oriental Sea 1 (100%) total 1
1701-1750 Oriental Sea 1 (9%) Korean Sea 7 (63%) Japan Sea 3 (27%) tootal 11
1751-1800 Korean Sea 9 (75%) Japan Sea 3 (25%) total 12
1801-1850 Korean Sea 17 (18%) Japan Sea 74 (81%) total 91
1851-1900 Japan Sea 39 (100%) total 39
1901-1911 Japan Sea 3 (100%) total 3
Gttl 157 Maplist(Excel File)
There are no map found describes "East Sea" Not so much difference with another survery incruding the result by Ministery of Foreing affairs of Japan, also 1701-1750, both Japan and Korea ,and other name is mix in various map, and 1750-1800 Korea name is increasing. Afterthe navigaton of La Perouse and Krusestern around Sea of Japan, 1801-1850 Sea of Japan dominates of its own name in the place of "Sea of Japan "Today.
Osaka Univ. Digital Archives Map survery for "Sea of Japan" description.
1651-1700 Sea of China 1(100%)
1701-1750 Oriental Sea 2(33%) Korean Sea 1(16%) Sea of Japan 2(33%) Kamchzca Sea 1(16%) total 6
1751-1800 Korean Sea 5 (100%) total 5
1801-1850 Sea of Japan 10( 100%) total 10
1851-1900 Sea of Japan 7 (100%) total 7
Gttl 29 Map List (Excel File)
There are no map found describes "East Sea". Not so much difference with another survery incruding the result by Ministery of Foreing affairs of Japan, also 1701-1750, both Japan and Korea name is mixed, and 1750-1800 Korea name is increasing. Afterthe navigaton of La Perouse and Krusestern around Sea of Japan, 1801-1850 Sea of Japan dominates of its own name in the place of "Sea of Japan "Today.
Barry Lawrence Ruderman Antque maps Inc digital archives , survey for Sea of Japan description
1550-1600 Chinese Sea 1(100%)
1601-1650 0
1651-1700 Chinese Sea 1(33%) Oriental Sea 2(66%) total 3
1701-1750 Chinese Sea 2(20%)Oriental Sea 1(10%) Easterm Sea 2(20%) Korean sea 2(20%) Japan Sea 3(30%) total 10
1751-1800 Oriental Sea 1(7%) Korean Sea 8(57%) Japan Sea 5(35%) total 14
1801-1850 Korean Sea 3(15%) Japan Sea 16(84%) total 19
1851-1900 Japan Sea 36(100%) total 36
Gttl 83 Map List (Excel File)
There are no map found describes "East Sea" It is not so much much difference between the result above and another survery incruding the result by Ministery of Foreing affairs of Japan, also 1701-1750, both "Japan" and "Korea" and other name were mixed , and 1750-1800 "Korea" name was increasing. Afterthe navigaton of La Perouse and Krusestern around Sea of Japan, 1801-1850 Sea of Japan dominates of its own name in the place of "Sea of Japan "Today and "Sea of Korea" discription rapidly dicrease in 1830-1840's. Ofcourse those process was undergoing before Annexation of Korea on 1910. So It is confirmed that Korean Claim is distorture "Sea of Japn"naming is colonial and expansionsism name.
Index for Sea of Japan, no East Sea
2008.12.24 Alabama Univ. Map digital archive result.2008.12.25 Barry Lawrence Ruderman Antque maps Inc , survey result
2008.12.26 Osaka Univ. Digital Archives Map survery result.
2008.12.27 David Ramsey Map Collection survey result
2009.07.17 Korean Maritime Institute digital archive resultFrequently update; Total data (Under construction)
English contents
Sea of Japan
1135~ Eastern Sea (Tung-hai东海) on Chinese Maps
13 Century Korea's "East Sea" in the 13 century on World Maps? No, It is distorture.
1521. Mer Pacifico (Sea of Peace) is Pacific Ocean by Fernand Maggelan.
1530. (Joseon) East Sea in the Korean maps.
1592. Ignacio Moreira visiting Japan 1590-1592.
1602. Mateo Ricci's World Map 1602, 坤輿万國全圖.
1646.Dudley map and Kim Moongil's fabrication.
1736. D'anville's "Royaume de Coree" and Qind Dynasty's 皇輿全覧図.
1736. Royaume de Coree, ("Mer du Coree" ,Description Geographique, Historique, Chronologique, Politique, et Physique de l’Empire de la Chine et de la Tartarie by
Du Halde "
1739.The general history of China. by Du Halde
1760.The Universal Gazetter, London (Sea of Corea)
1762.The general gazetteer, or, Compendious geographical dictionary
1780. Mer du Coree is Broughton Bay, not the area of Sea of Japan
1786.The general gazetteer; or, Compendious geographical dictionary by Brookes, Richard, fl1788.A new system of modern geography: or, A geographical, historical, and commercial grammar; and present state of the several kingdoms of the world by: Guthrie, William; Ferguson, James,
1789. Jean François de Galaup, comte de La Pérouse's first survey at Detroit de Coree and Dagelet,
1790.華夷一覧図 木村蒹葭堂
1792.地球全図. [上,下] / 司馬江漢 写并刻
1794.A new system of modern geography: or, A geographical, historical, and commercial grammar; and present state of the several kingdoms of the world by: Guthrie, William; Ferguson, James,
1795.A new system of modern geography: or, A geographical, historical, and commercial grammar; and present state of the several kingdoms of the world by: Guthrie, William; Ferguson, James,
1795.The universal gazetteer by Walker, John,London, Darton and Harvey
1797.The general gazetteer, or, Compendious geographical dictionary:(1797)
1798.The universal gazetteer by Walker, John,: London : Ogilvy
1799.The new universal gazetteer or Geographical dictionary by Clement Cruttwell
1801.The General gazetteer, or, Compendious geographical dictionary : (1801)
1802.1856.采覧異言 by 新井白石
1806.Brooke's general gazetteer improved, or, A new compendious geographical dictionary
1808.The new universal gazetteer, or, Geographical dictionary by Cruttwell, Clement: London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme
1809.The general gazetteer, or, Compendious geographical dictionary : (1809)
1811.Précis de la géographie universelle by Conrad Malte-Brun: Paris : F. Buisson
1815.Maritime geography and statistics . Tuckey, James Hingston, 1776-1816
1815.The general gazetteer, or, Compendious geographical dictionary :(1815)
1815.The universal gazetteer by Walker, John,: London : F. C. and J. Rivington
1815.Brookes' general gazetteer improved, or, Compendious geographical dictionary in miniature (1815)
1817/1820.Voyage of His Majesty's Ship Alceste, to China, Corea, and the Island of Lewchew: (
1820.An Introduction to Ancient and Modern Geography: by Jacob Abbot Cummings
1821.A new universal gazetteer, or, Geographical dictionary.by Morse, Jedidiah,: New Haven, Conn. : Published by Sherman Converse of New-Haven and Silas Andrus of Hartford
1823.A new universal gazetteer or geographical dictionary ... 4th ed. Morse, Jedidiah/Morse, Richard Cary,joint author New Haven, S. Converse
1823.Darby's edition of Brooke's Universal gazetteer, or, A new geographical dictionary,by Brookes, Richard); Darby, William, Philadelphia : Bennett & Walton
1825.The London General Gazetteer, Or Geographical Dictionary: Containing a Description of the ... (1825) by: W. Baynes & Son
1827.The new London universal gazetteer, or alphabetical geography (by J. Miller). The engr. title ... (1827) by J. Miller
1827.Darby's Universal gazetteer, or, A new geographical dictionary.by Brookes, Richard,; Darby, William,: Philadelphia, Bennett & Walton
1827.A geographical, historical, and commercial grammar exhibiting the present state of the world
by Guthrie, William; Ferguson, James,
1832.TROIS ROYAUMES by Klaploth
1832.A New Universal Pocket Gazetteer:by Samuel Griswold Goodrich: W. Hyde
1834.The Journal of the Royal Geographical Society ..., Volumes 41-50 Author: Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain), Norton Shaw, Hume Greenfield, Henry Walter Bates Publisher: J. Murray
1834.Dictionary of geography,(1834)Brookes, R. (Richard)
1835.A universal gazetteer; or, Geographical dictionary of the world, by: George Thomas Landmann
1833(1837)Penny cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, (Volume 8.
1837) by Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain) : London, C. Knight
1837.North-Pole centralized map of the world.(極中心世界地図)
1838.The London General Gazetteer; Or, Compendious Geographical Dictionaryby Richard Brookes: T. Tegg and Son
1839.A New Universal Gazetteer: Containing a Description of the Principal Nations, Empires, Kingdoms ,by Richard Brookes , John Marshall: W. Marshall & Co.
1840.A universal gazetteer; or, Geographical dictionary of the world.by: George Thomas Landmann
1842.Letters from Netherland. (海軍歴史 勝海舟) 海軍歴史 [第1冊] 巻之一 (Japan)Navy history Volume 1
1843.Guy's school geography on a new and easy plan by Guy, Joseph
1844.M'Culloch's Universal Gazetteer:by: Daniel Haskel
1845.Universal Gazetteer:by: William Darby :Grigg & Elliot
1846.A Universal Pronouncing Gazetteer: byThomas Baldwin
1847. A new universal gazetteer by Brookes, Richard,;Marshall, John: Boston : Phillips & Sampson
1851Moby-Dick Herman Melville
1851.Carte Generale de LOcean Pacifique
Service Hydrographigue et Oceanographigue de la Marine
1851.A directory for the navigation of the Pacific Ocean; with description of its coasts, islands, etc., from the Strait of Magalhaens to the Arctic Sea, and those of Asia and Australia; its winds, currents, and other phenomena .. by Findlay, Alexander George, Fellow the Royal geography society
1854.A universal pronouncing gazetteer :by Baldwin, Thomas,: Philadelphia : Lippincott, Grambo
1855 Imperial Gazetteer Volume One" A General Dictionary of Geography, Physical, Political, Statistical and Descriptive." (2-volume book) which was published by Blackie & Son (Glasgow and London, UK).
1855.Cyclopedia of universal geography;by Callicot, Theophilus C. (Theophilus Carey): New York, A.S. Barnes
1855.(U.S) Navy Chart of the Coast of China 、Pacific coast (Asia), Japan islands
Copied to ordered by Commandar Mattew Perry.
According to Krusenstern’s chart of 1827.- 「Japan is compiled from a Japanese Government Map
1856-58 地理全志 慕維廉
1856.Notes on The Late Expedition against the Russian settlements in Eastern Siberia and of a visit to japan and to the shores of tartary. And of the sea of Olostk.
1858.The North Pacific Surveying and Exploring Expedition or my last cruising A.W.Habersham
1826-83 Lieut. u.s. Navy
1858.(U.K)China Pilot Second Edition King, J. W Printed for the Hydrographic Office
1860.Renseignements hydrographiques sur les îles Bashée, les îles Formose et Lou-Tchou, la Corée, la Mer du Japon, les îles du Japon (Ports d'Hakodaki
1861.Notes sur le Japon, la Chine et l'Inde : 1858-1859-1860 ,by Chassiron, Charles Gustave Martin, baron de
1861.China Pilot Third Edition, Korean scholor admitted "Sea of Japan" had alrady been grobal standard name at China Pilot Third editoin.
1863.Yedo and Peking. A narrative of a journey to the capitals of Japan and China by Fortune, Robert,
1863.Chinese commercial guide
1865.Tyo Syen朝鮮 Coree Per les Missionaires de Coree de la SOCIETE des MISSIONSETRANGERS (France) (circa 1865)
1865.A general gazetteer, or, Compendious geographical dictionary [microform] : containing descriptions of every country in the known world: with their towns, people, natural productions, &c., and the various remarkable events by which they have been distinguished : the population and area of all nations are also given in an appendix, including the census of Great Britain in 1861 (1865)
1866.地学初歩(Geography study for biggenner) by Cornell S.S.
1867. Arabic writtenn Map "Japan Sea" ,A General Atlas of Modern Geography
1869.世界国盡(Sekai-Kunizukushi)Fukuzawa Yukichi. 世界国盡(Sekai-Kunizukushi Many World countries) 6巻(5巻 附録1巻)
1870.輿地誌略 巻一 大學南校 内田, 正雄
1870.Carte de la Coree
1870.A vocabulary of proper names, in Chinese and English, of places, persons, tribes, and sects, in China, Japan, Corea, Annam, Siam, Burmah, the Straits and adjacent countries (1870) Author: Smith, F. Porter (Frederick Porter)
1870. directory for the navigation of the North Pacific Ocean [microform] : with descriptions of its coasts, islands, etc., from Panama to Behring Strait and Japan, its winds, currents, and passages
1870.Journeys in north China, Manchuria, and eastern Mongolia ;by Alexander Williamson
1872.瓜生氏日本国尽. 巻1-3 / 瓜生三寅 著
1873.China Sea Directory 1st edition, volume 4.
1873.地理初歩(Basic Gography studies) 文部省編纂
1873.The American cyclopaedia : a popular dictionary of general knowledge (Volume 5) by Making of America Project; Ripley, George;Dana, Charles A. (Charles Anderson)
1874.萬国地誌略 巻一 藤井楊岳編集 二書堂
1874. "Histoire de L'Eglise de Corée" by Claude Charles Dallet
1875.The Eastern seas: being a narrative of the voyage of H. M. S. "Dwarf" in China, Japan and Formosa. With a description of the coast of Russian Tartary and Eastern Siberia, from the Corea to the river Amur by Bax, Bonham Warda.
1875.The navigation of the Pacific Ocean, China Sea, &c.translated at United States Hydrographic Office.from the french of Mons.F. Labrosse by J.W. Miller lieutenant US navy
1875.the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th Edition (1875) and 10th Edition (1902)
1877.『日本地誌略附圖』(Nihon-Chisi-Ryaku Fu-zu(Japan General Geoga
phy attached map) 「日本」益智館 中村春平
1878.History of the American whale fishery from its earliest inception to the year 1876 (1878)Author: Starbuck, Alexander, 1841-1925 Subject: Whaling; Baleines
1878.A directory for the navigation of the Indian Archipelago, China, and Japan, from the straits of Malacca and Sunda, and the passages east of Java.
1878.La Chine et le Japon et l'Exposition de 1878 by Clovis Lamarre
1879.History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography by Ross, John, 1842-1915
1879.China Sea directory vol3.
1880.Dictionnaire coréen-français par la Société des missions étrangères
1880.A Forbidden Land: Voyages to the Corea Ernst Jacob Oppert
1881.萬國地誌略 改正[版] 巻之1 師範學校編纂
1881.Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan
1883.Observations upon the Korean Coast ,Japanese -Korean Ports and Siberia By:(U.S) Office of naval Intelligence Bureau of Navigationby
1884.Map of China by Willian. S. Wells
1884.The earth and its inhabitants, Asia. by Reclus, Élisée, Keane, A. H.
1884. 新撰地理小志 山田行元編 巻2 日本
1885.Corea-without-and-within-chapters.Hendrik Hamel
1885.La Coree by Paul Tournafond.
1886//1863/1887/1892 .輿載撮要Yeoljae Chwalyo 吳宖默 編
1886.Les Coréens: aperçu ethnographique et historique by Léon de Rosny
1886.A directory for the navigation of the North Pacific Ocean [microform] : with descriptions of its coasts, islands, etc., from Panama to Behring Strait and Japan, its winds, currents, and passages
1887.岡村松太郎編纂‘新撰地誌 (Okamura Matsutaro, New Geography)
1888.The principles and practice of medicine in Corea by Cowan, Frank
1888.Life in Corea by Carles, William Richard,
1889.Corea and the powers: a review of the Far Eastern question, with appendices by Duncan, Chesney
1890's Korean use the name of "Sea of Japan"before annexation.
1890.大清一統廿三省輿地全図(Da Qing yi tong nian san sheng yu di quan tu.)
1890.FROM COREA TO QUELPAERT Journal of the American Geographical Society, Vol22,1890..html
1891.A travers le Japon (1891):L. Ussèle
1892.The Graphic atlas and gazetteer of the world 、by Bartholomew, J. G. (John George), 1860-1920
1892.A martyr of our own times : life of Rev. Just de Bretenières, missionary apostolic, martyred in Corea in 1866. by Hulst, Monseigneur d', 1841-1896
1894.China sea directry vol3,Author: Great Britain. Hydrographic Dept
1894.Story of China and Japan, embracing their geographical positions, enormous resources, wealth, emperors and courts, governments and people, manners and customs, how the people of these great nations live and die and maintain in oriental splendor the China and Japan of to-day, together with a sketch of Corea, and the Coreans (1894)Author: Clark, James Hyde. [from old catalog]
1895.朝鮮地誌 学部編纂局 ”Korea geography by Korea education text edit department
1895.萬国略史 学部編纂局 "Briefly World history" by Korea education text edit department
1895. 小學 萬國地誌 Primary school world geography by Korea educaton text edit depart,emt
1895.土民必知 金澤榮
1895.Quaint Korea , by Miln, Louise Jordan
1895The war in the East : Japan, China, and Corea : a complete history of the war by White, Trumbull
1895.The Lands of the Rising Sun: A Talk with English Boys and Girls about China, Corea and Japan;by William Theodore Aquila Barber
1895.Fur seal arbitration. Proceedingsby U.S Govt. print. off.
1896.The Russian fur-seal islands by U.S Govt. print. off.
1896.Problems of the Far East, Japan--Korea--China (1896) :Curzon, George Nathaniel Curzon, Marquis of, : Westminster : A. Constable and Co.
1897.Korea and Her Neighbors: A Narrative of Travel, with an Account of the Recent Vicissitudes and ..by Isabella Lucy Bird.
1897.Asia by Frank George Carpenter
1897.The Corean government: constitutional changes, July 1894 to October 1895. Wilkinson, William Henry,
1898.An American cruiser in the East
1898. Coronet memories : log of schooner-yacht Coronet on her off-shore cruises from 1893 to 1899
1898.c.a.Glimpses of the Orient : or, The manners, customs, life and history of the people of China, Japan and Corea, the Philippine, Caroline and Lad by White, Trumbull,1898.海東志 Haedonji
1899-1906.大韓地誌 学部編纂局 ”Daehanjisi Korea geography by Korea education text edit department
1900. Sea of Japan on Korean textbook
1900.China and the present crisis, with notes on a visit to Japan and Korea , by Walton, Joseph, Sir, Bart
1902.The Korea ReviewA MONTHLY MAGAZINE
1902.On the coasts of Cathay and Cipango forty years ago; a record of surveying service in the China, Yellow and Japan seas and on the seaboard of Korea and Manchuria : Blakeney, William, ; Bedwell, Frederick Le Breton, illus : London, E. Stock
1902.Corean Words and Phrases ,John W. Hodge
1902.中等万國地誌 (Middle school world geography) Geography text in Korea
1902.the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th Edition (1875) and 10th Edition (1902)
1903.『韓海通漁指針』葛生修亮 (Korean coast Fishery guideline)
1904 GEBCO Chart Sea of Japan.
1904.Geography of Asia by Charles Daniel Tenney
1904.Dux Christus An Outline Study Of Japan1904.Korea. by Hamilton, A. (Angus)
1904.1905.1906.Japan's fight for freedom; the story of the war between Russia and Japan Japan's fight for freedom
1905.The Far East by Little, Archibald John
1906/1907.國語讀本 學部 編 (Korean National Language textbook editted by Korea education department)
1904-1906.Japan's fight for freedom; the story of the war between Russia and Japan
1906.The battle of the Sea of Japan by N. L. Klado
1907.萬国地理 (World Geography 黃潤德 譯 普成館1907.
1907.幼年必讀釋義 教師用 玄采 編 ”Children Obrigational lecture , for teacher's guidance" for Korean Imperial.
1907.大韓新地誌 (Korean imperial new geography)
1909.最新高等大韓地誌 Newest High DaehanJiji
1909.1910. (新訂)中等萬國新地志 Korea1909.朝鮮地理統計 In the Korea’S geography statictics
Undated(~1910.c,.,) 日韓合併策(Plan the annexation of Korea draft)
1915.韓国痛史(Painful History of Korea) by Park Eun-sik(朴殷植)
1917 獨立精神 Tongrip Chonsin, second edition
1949-1952. 水産物分布図 fishery products map by South Korea Govt.
1952.Giaponne Corea
2003.02.13.Korean lies more 671 times than Japanese do.
2009.Another idiot excuse by Koran scholor.
2009.09.14.Korean Revisionist/fassist protest against Education office on New York City about Sea of Japan. Korean Revisionist/fassist protest against Education office on New York City about Sea of Japan.
2011.04.29.Korean's wicked ambitions on JAPAN EXPO about anti-Sea of Japan .
2011.05.10 My site is temporary unavailable
2011.05.25Korean rasist fascist group VANK spam me.
2011.08.09 The Sea of Japan- Official name of United States.2011.12.01. Dear Mark Kirk, Korean lies about anti-Sea of Japan.2012.01.22.Korean document distorture movement at library.
2012.02.17.US to keep using term `Sea of Japan,` not `East Sea`
2012.03.01.Unwholesome nationalism.
2012.03.02.Donald A. Manzullo
2012.04.01.Brainwashed Korean student performance!
2012.04.12 Korean media: East Sea rename lobby are going to fail on IHO
2012.04.16.Korean revisionist white house lobby "petition" filled up with distorture
2012.04.25.Korean claim; Defect on the Chart S-23?
2012.04.30.No sea change for East Sea By Andrew Salmon
2012.05.04.My personal opinion about Sea of Japan naming disputel
2012.05.31 Eastern ocean means Pacific Ocean for Japanese.
2012.05.31 S-23 working group disbanded
2012.05.31 IHO S-23WG draft summery record
2012.06.30.Answer to the Petition on the Sea of Japan naming issue by WhiteHouse
2012.09.15.Philippine Sea??? No it is South China Sea!
Dagelet Island, Boussole Rock, and Seal Point. Ulleugndo)
1600- historical Timeline for explorer and survery, sailing magazine around Sea of Japan
鬱陵島関連 朝鮮側史料 備忘録
鬱陵島関連 日本史料 備忘録
1694. 承政院日記粛宗20年5月24日 南九萬蔚陵島問題
1789. Jean François de Galaup, comte de La Pérouse's first survey at Detroit de Coree and Dagelet,1808.The new universal gazetteer, or, Geographical dictionary by Cruttwell, Clement: London : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme
1823.A new universal gazetteer or geographical dictionary ... 4th ed. Morse, Jedidiah/Morse, Richard Cary,joint author New Haven, S. Converse
1832.TROIS ROYAUMES by Klaploth
1846-49 (1870) Arthor Adams with H.M.S Samarang around Sea of Japan. 1846-49,1859(1902). The description landing on Dagelet Island , H.M.S Actaeon .1859.(quote from; On the coast of Cathay and Gipango forty years ago, A record of surveying service in the China Yellow and Japan Seas and the seabord of Korea and Manchuria,Blakeney, William, R.N 1902.)
1860.Renseignements hydrographiques sur les îles Bashée, les îles Formose et Lou-Tchou, la Corée, la Mer du Japon, les îles du Japon (Ports d'Hakodaki
1863.Chinese commercial guide
1879.10 A Forbidden Land: Voyages to the Corea (1880) Ernst Jacob Oppert , Ernst Oppert
1880.A Forbidden Land: Voyages to the Corea (1880)
Ernst Jacob Oppert , Ernst Oppert
1880.Dictionnaire coréen-français par la Société des missions étrangères
1882. Corea, the hermit nation. Griffis, William Elliot, 1843-1928.
1882. Un Touriste Dans L'extreme Orient 1882 Japon, Chine, Indo-chine et Tonkin (4 Aout 1881-24 Jannier 1882) by Edmondo Cotteau
(PDF P6)
1884.The earth and its inhabitants, Asia. by Reclus, Élisée, Keane, A. H.
1886//1863/1887/1892 .輿載撮要Yeoljae Chwalyo 吳宖默 編
1886.Les Coréens: aperçu ethnographique et historique by Léon de Rosny
1894.朝鮮紀聞 鈴木信仁 著 大鳥圭介 閲
1897.The Corean government: constitutional changes, July 1894 to October 1895. Wilkinson, William Henry,
1901-12.c.a. Papers on Mollusca of Japan (1901-12) by Pilsbry, Henry Augustus, b. 1862
1902.The Korea ReviewA MONTHLY MAGAZINE
1902.On the coasts of Cathay and Cipango forty years ago; a record of surveying service in the China, Yellow and Japan seas and on the seaboard of Korea and Manchuria : Blakeney, William, ; Bedwell, Frederick Le Breton, illus : London, E. Stock
1904.Korea. by Hamilton, A. (Angus)
1904.Dux Christus An Outline Study Of Japan
1900-1905年ころの鬱陵島詳細図と、ある疑問 大韓全図と分道詳密韓国新地図の間の空白を埋める地図はどの地図なのか?
1906/1907.國語讀本 學部 編 (Korean National Language textbook editted by Korea education department)
1907.1907.幼年必讀釋義 教師用 玄采 編 ”Children Obrigational lecture , for teacher's guidance" for Korean Imperial.
2010.08 Movie:Landing on Boussoule Rock-Jukdo(Usando) next to Dagelet (Ulluengdo).2011.10.19. Korean dont know the correct Takeshima position in the Sea of Japan. Coffee break: Kim Taehee's Dokdo propaga
18世紀末期-19世紀初頭、日本海の呼称の定着と共に、消えていく朝鮮海の名前はBrougton bay(後の東朝鮮湾)とKorea strait(朝鮮海峡)に定着する.
2010.01.14.チュ・ソンジェ 「東海は日本海より千七百年も前から使われてきた」 との記事について。
2010.07.18.日本海に関して、アメリカの韓国の抗議に対する対応。 について。
2010.08.23.フランスとオーストラリアが「東海」と「日本海」の併記を提案-韓国朝鮮日報 2010.08.23の記事の内容について。
2010.08.30.金文吉とチェ・ソミョンの歴史修正主義的妄言 日本は昔、太平洋を日本海と呼んでいた~米国に怒られ朝鮮側の海を日本海と呼ぶようになった について。
2010.09.06 Revisionist country South Korea held Propaganda conference about Sea of Japan.
2010.09.25.Greedy Korean try to steal not only Japan Sea but also Yellow Sea
2011.08.08.東海呼称問題:18世紀の英辞典も「Sea of Corea」 の報道について、 世界界地名辞典の地図に表記)
2011.08.14『東海は300年前から世界が認めた「韓国海」』 か?
2012.04.26.I.H.O 「日本海単独表記」S-23改訂版は今回は失敗・議論延期?
2012.05.17. 韓国の歴史歪曲に騙され動く米国議員リスト First Post on 26Apr2012
2012.05.17. 日本メディアが報じない「日本海呼称問題」 韓国の4つの主張検証
2012.05.17 朝鮮東海という名称を北朝鮮が主張?
Alabama Univ old map survey result on the Website. survey for Sea of Japan description
2.East Asia
3.SouthEast Asia
1550-1600 None discription.
1601-1650 China Sea 2(66%) Oriental Sea 1(33%) total 3
1651-1700 Oriental Sea 1(100%) total 1
1701-1750 Oriental Sea 2(22%) Eastern Sea 1(11%) Corea sea 2(44%) Japan Sea 4(44%) Total 9
1751-1800 Corea sea 10(76%) Japan Sea 3(23%) Total 13
1801-1850 Corea Sea 7(10%) Japan Sea 57(87%) Corea n Japan 1(1%) total 65
1851-1900 Japan Sea 77(100%) total 27
1901-1911 Japan Sea 27(100%) total 27
Gttl 145 Map list(Excel files)
In the result, It is almost match with the result with survey by Japan's Ministery of Foreign affairs (See here map inspection result on each libraries.).
There are no map found describes "East Sea". "Corean Sea"had increased from 1700-1800,It can be assumed by French Danville's report around 1820's from China to Europe by his map ,copied and translated from Chinese to French. on the other hand ,late of 18Century to early 19Century, Sea of Japan dominates of its own area name, .Assuming that La Perouse, Arrowsimith's reports promotes Sea of Japan name and Krusestern's comments determined the fate of the name of Sea of Japan. Sea of Corea or Oriental or Eastern Sea name had disappear, but "Corea"'s name succeed to Korea strait and Gulf Of Korea(Today's East Chosun Gulf/Bay)
Korean text book of Sea of Japan around early 20Century.
There are many evidences which
The description of Chosun Jiji朝鮮地誌, edit and published by Education editor Bureau学部編纂局 on 1895.
Chosun is located on the eastern part of Asia , faced with Sea of Japan on the Southeast, west with Yellow sea, north with River Abnok and Duman鴨緑豆満.
1895.萬国略史 学部編纂局
1895.萬国略史 学部編纂局 "Briefly World history" by Korea education department (Daehan imperial)巻一 第一遍総論 第二章
Volume 1 Section 1 General information Chapter2 P8-9
海陸 Sea and Continent
Sea is the part of Ocean and.................
Between Manchuria and Japan called Japan Sea.
巻一 第一遍総論 第二章 第九章 支那
Volume 1 Chapter 9 China P81
地界X東南X日本海X支那海X濱Xseinann X昆倫
The width of Chinese territory are Southwest between Japan sea and (East)China sea
1895.小學 萬國地誌 學部編輯局.
Daehanjiji大韓地誌,also published by Education editor Bureau学部編纂局 from 1899-1906.
Chosun(Korea) locates on the eastern part of Asia, at NorthEast of China, between Sea of Japan and Yellow Sea, Bolhae. It is peninsula country. ………….
East part facing with Sea of
Above those two famous Korean textbook also uses Sea of Japan. It is not only textbook which use Sea of
1902.中等万國地誌 (Middle school world geography)
Geography text called 中等万國地誌 (Middle school world geography) describes "Sea of Japan"(日本海) in 1902.
But..there are another minor case
In 1904. .The Koryo middle era five province map高麗中期以後五道両界圖, they said Blue Sea蒼海.
1904 高麗中期以後五道両界圖
1906.國語讀本 學部 編 (Korean national Language textbook)
1906/1907.國語讀本 學部 編 (Korean National Language textbook editted by Korea education department)
1906(光部10) and 1907(光武11) 巻三 第五課 江原道 (1906:19 1907:Vol3-23)
Volume 3 Lesson 5 Kanwondo.
Sea of Japan:日本海 (Sea of Japan)
1907.國語讀本 學部 編 (Korean National Language textbook editted by Korea education department)
巻八 第二課 清国 (12.17)
Volume 8. Lesson 2 Qing dynasty (China)
East China Sea :東海 (East Sea)
Yellow Sea:黄海(Yellow Sea)
巻八 第四課 満州
Volume 8 Lesson 4 Manchuria
Sea of Japan:日本海(Sea of Japan)
Yellow Sea:黄海(Yellow Sea)
1907.06.28.幼年必讀釋義 教師用 玄采 編
1907.幼年必讀釋義 教師用 玄采 編Page 4 第三課 大韓位置 Page 4 Lesson 3 Location of Daehan imperial
Sea of Japan: 日本海(Sea of Japan)
Broughton bay:朝鮮海(Joseon sea)
Yellow sea: 黄海(Yellow sea)
Strait of Korea:朝鮮海峡(Joseon strait)
(*Joseom means Tyo-sean (Korea))
1907.萬国地理(World Geography)黃潤德 譯 普成館
上 亜細亜 地理 位置 (Location and geography in Asia) 二 海岸
一 北極洋●側
二 太平洋●側
(2. Pacific ocean side ..........West Sakharin island, Tatar Strait..after that Sea of Japan....Strait of Korea, after that Yellow Sea.
第二章 日本 P32(N36)
二 境域 日本X四面X 海XX伊賀氏X沙XX北太平洋XX北亜米利加州X向XX北X千島海峡X隔てるX露領XXXXXX半島X接XX宗谷海峡XXXX露領 からふと島X対XX西X滞水X朝鮮海峡X隔XX朝鮮半島X向X台湾海峡XXXX清国福建省X隔XX?島XX三個弓型X成XXXXXX海X日本海及東海水X擁XXX南X XX海峡........
Thw description on P32 Donghae means East China sea, It can confirmed another related page as follows
P33/N37 P36/N40 there are the description of East Sea (It means East China Sea)
P36/N40 there are the description of East Sea (It means East China Sea)
But, on the text part he wrote Japan sea 日本海
Strait Korea -朝鮮海峡(Joseon(Korea)Strait)
Yellow Sea- 黄海(Yellow Sea)
on the other hand the attached map of Daehan-sin-jisi describes Daehanhe(Great Korean Sea:Left)
1908’s Great Korean Imperial Map (大韓帝国地図)wrote as well (Right side map)
1908. Newest High DaehanJiji最新高等大韓地誌 describes Sea of Chosun(Korea)朝鮮海, which suggests today’s East Korean Gulf東朝鮮湾, that is to say, BroughtonBay which was commonly recognized in international society at that time. On the other hand, they use Sea of Japaan in the east of Korean penunsula which the sea off-shore area. https://search.i815.or.kr/ImageViewer/ImageViewer.jsp?tid=co&id=3-005112-000
By the way the same book "Newest higher Daehan jisi"describes the sea southeast of 威鏡北道 called ”日本海”(Japan Sea)
第十三編 威鏡南道 第一課 位置境界
's location and border, east end faces Sea of Japan.
第十四編 咸鏡北道 第一課 位置境界
1909朝鮮地理統計 In the Korea’S geography statictics 朝鮮地理統計 on 1909 using Sea of Japan日本海.
1909.1910.(新訂)中等萬國新地志 金鴻卿 編纂 廣學書館
Korea National Digital Archives Library
第二章 亜細亜 (1909/1910 same)
第一節 総論
沿海 P52
日本海、黄海、 朝鮮海(別称蒼海)、支那海
右諸海中、北氷洋 舟編 不通●●●●海●●●日本海.....
第三節 日本帝国 (1909/1910 same)
Japan.....Northwest is Japan Sea............South West is East (China)Sea.
Remarks; Korean use the name of "Sea of Japan"