
Carte de la Coree 1865-1890

Tyo Syen朝鮮 Coree Per les Missionaires de Coree de la SOCIETE des MISSIONSETRANGERS (France) (circa 1865)

cc: same design: R. Hausermann's Map of Korea (1880)

Mer Du Japon
Detroit De Coree
Mer Jaune

also, same design
d'apres la Carte du Dictionnaire coreen-francais per les Missionaires de Coree Echelle (1890)
http://oldbooks.co.kr/main.html?menu=view&uid=664&category=%C1%F6%B8%AE%C1%F6%C1%FA-%C1%F6%B5%B531 (Cache
Mer Du Japon
Detroit de Coree
Mer Janue

I checked this map and I confirmed the existence of French-Corean dictionary.

Dictionnaire coréen-français par la Société des missions étrangères (1880)

OUL-NEUNG-TO 蔚陵島 Ile sur la cote est de Coree
OU-SAN 于山 Ile a I'E . de la Coree, prés de Oul-neung-to.
(Ousan is Iland of Corea, next to (close distance) to Ulluengdo)
*Usually they dont say 90km distance is "prés de" but small distance (2km) do.

If they acknoledged the Usan is Takeshima(Liancourt Rocks) today, they would have written "It is Liancourt Rocks" on the dictionary. They doesnt consider "Ousan于山" is Liancourt Rocks.(French already recognized Liancourt Rocks around 1849 s by whale ship Liancourt and Frenc hydrographic office's Pilot magazine write Liancourt rocks on 1860's. )

1870.Carte de la Coree
Broughton bay:Goulf Broughton

1874. "Histoire de L'Eglise de Corée" by Claude Charles Dallet
Mer du Japon
Detroit de Coree
Mer Jaune


A L'embouchure du Mi-Kiang, pres de la mer du Japon, se trouve sur la frontiere de la Coree un boung tartare nomme Houng-tchoung, et chaque seconde annee, une foire considerable y reunit pendant quelques heures le peuple des deux pays limitrophes.

What? Korean claims "Sea of Japan" is colonialism name? Kidding. Korean is timetraveller? 1865-1890 Map of Corea also use Sea of Japan. Annexation of Korea is 1910.

1 件のコメント:

    I just deleted your commnets. This post for the explanation of french-made maps and your comment is nothing to do with this map.
