
Year unknown: 日韓合併策(Till 1910)

Year unknown: 日韓合併策(Till 1910)

1 政府は左の三か所に完全なる漁業港を設定し朝鮮東西南三海面の漁業を支配すること。
Goverment shouuld assign three complete fishery port aimed for control East,West,and south area of Korean fishery industry.

元山 日本海    (Wonsan: Japan Sea) (*East: Sea of Japan)
馬山 朝鮮海    (Masan: Joseon Sea) (*South:Around Strait of Korea)
群山 黄海      (Gunsan: Yellow Sea) (*West)

The google map below shows the three fishery port above. Northeast port is wonsan元山 for Sea of Japan, West port is 群山 for Yellow Sea, and South port is Masan馬山 for Strait of Korea area(朝鮮海 in the article above).

より大きな地図で 日韓合併策(~1910)三漁業港 を表示

View from this article, Japanese doesnt conside Japan Sea日本海 and Joseonsea朝鮮海 are same definiation. They clealy distinguished the difference of Japan Sea and Korean sea (around strait of Korea)

Korean's claim that Japanese called sea of Japan as "Korean sea" around 1890, is wrong information.


1886//1863/1887/1892 .輿載撮要 吳宖默 編

Korea national digital library serch:輿載撮要Yeoljae Chwalyo (1863/1887) 吳宖默 編
Korean text said it is "日本海”Sea of Japan"

There are three edition of 輿載撮要 on Korean national digital library site.

1 and 3 (1887/1863) is almost same, and no.2 is different(year unknown) .Number 2 may be complete set of 輿載撮要 I think.

Number 2 (Year undated 1886c.a. claimed by Mr Gerry Bevers) version have a Grobe map and world maps.
Both of them describes 日本海(Sea of Japan)
巻1 Volume 1 P43-44 Map of the earth。 (平面地球全図)

Sea of Japan.(日本海)

Map of East Asia;Sea of Japan.(日本海)

Volume2 P64-65 朝鮮全圖

Volume8 P3-4 Kanwondo(江原道) Map of Kanwon-do.

Volume8 P89-90 三陟圖(于山島鬱陵島記載あり)

P description of 三陟(No description of ulluengdo鬱陵島)

P???Map of Uljin蔚珍圖(No description of ulluengdo鬱陵島)
P97-98. description of Uljin蔚珍縣 (于山島鬱陵島記載あり)

P???Map of Pyonghae平海図(No description of ulluengdo鬱陵島)
P101-102. 平海Pyonghae description(鬱陵島島長 越松萬戸P102)

鬱陵島 于山島在三陟之東鬱陵島在平海ノ東六日程地
?欲移民以實之風涛険悪末果 有村落基址七処然多巌石不知何代人居
本朝 世宗遣萬戸南X往捜捕民畫俘金九
等七十余人而還其地遂空今 上朝開拓許民使越松萬戸為島長

亜細亜州凡五国 (Asian five countries)

朝鮮 在亜州之東而接清国渤海 北連満州 東界日本海 南為海
Joseon (Korea)....At the eastern part of Asia, and next to Qing (china),
northern part connect with Manchuria, Eastern bondary connect with Sea of Japan , there are a sea on south (of the peninsula).

By the way this 1887 edition have only Western part map and eastern (Asian) part map was lost. Why they dont have the map? lol

???Korean claims the name of "Sea of Japan" was forced by Japan annexation era??? It is idiot claim. Korean already use "Sea of Japan" in their official geography books beforea annexation of 1910.

Remarks; Korean use the name of "Sea of Japan"

P113-114 map of Kanwondo
于山島鬱陵島(Usando n Ulluengdo) at the east of Uljin
(Usando desribed at the north of Ulluengdo, or Usando and Ulluengdo is same island?)

Geography description;
蔚珍縣................... 于山島盃陵島
Uljing country.............Usando-Ulluengdo

Another 1892.輿覽撮要.呉弘默(朝鮮)撰弁書 (v2)

Map of eight province (Paldo jido八道地図).....lost?
There are Paldo Jido in the index but not found on this book? It lost or hidden?

Map of Kanwondo  (V2 P56a)
Usando- south of Ulluengdo.

東国輿誌勝覧 江原道 V2 P57a 


1886.Les Coréens: aperçu ethnographique et historique (1886)

Les Coréens: aperçu ethnographique et historique (1886)
By Léon de Rosny, Léon Louis Lucien Prunol de Rosny

Sea of Japan; Mar du Japon
Strait of Korea: Detroit de Coree
Yellow Sea: Mer Jaune, Hoang hai (黄海:Yellow sea)

Parmi ces fleuves, les uns se jette
la mer du Japon, les autres dans
Jaune ou dans le detroit de Coree; mar
a remarquer que les plus importants
deverser dans la mer Jaune, tandis que des
cours d'eau, pour la plupart d'une mediocre
importance et a peine nommes sur les cartes
asiatiques. vont seuls se pardre dans la mar
du Japon. On trouve cependant a la fronttiere
nord-est, un fleuve appele Tou-man-kang, qui,
suivant la Geographie imperiale de la dy-
nastie des Tsing, prend sa source au bas du
mont Tsyang-paik-san, dont I(importance,
tant au point de vue de la largur qu'a celui
de L'etendue navigable , paralt etre conside-
rable-Un autre fleuve, le Ap-lok-kang, sert
de frpmtoere mprd^piest a la Coree qui se
trouve ainsi separee de la Chine par des ri0
viertes dont les gouvernements des deux pays
ont su tirer parti pour empecher les rapports
trop frequents de leur sujets respecitifs.

Les autres fleuves d'une cerlaine impor-
tance sont: le Tai-tong-kang, qui sert de
limite septentrionale a la province de Hoang-
hai et va se jetar dans la mer Jaune, en
face des iles Halls: les anciens auteurs
chinois le designaient sous le nom de
pai-choui, et il etait considere , suivant le
grand historiographe Sse-ma Tsien, comme
la frontitle meridionale du Liao-toung
sous la dynastie des Tsinl le Han-kang
qui passe a dix li au sud de la capitale,
dont la source est dans les monts O-tai
sanl le Paik-kang ou Fleuve-Blanc, situ............

From P11 there are description of Ulluengdo(Takeshima called in Edo-era of Japan at 130"56E, this is not Liancourt Rocks=today's Takeshima 131”55E)

Enfin, dans la mer du Japon, il faut citer
Vîle des Cerfs [Louh-tao des géographes chi-
nois), dans le golfe de Pierre-le-Grand ; Tîle
de Ma-rang^ dans la baie de Broughton, et
une autre île (à laquelle les cartes asiatiques
donnent le plus souvent de très grandes di-
mensions, dont il est difficile d'admettre
l'exactitude) où habite une population très

mêlée de Coréens et de Japonais, et qui porte
le nom de Ts^yœn-san-kouk « Royaume des
Mille montagnes ». Les Japonais appellent
celle dernière île Take-sima « Tile des Bam-
bous ».

Aux renseignements qui précèdent, il ne
sera peut-être pas inutile d'ajouter la liste des
montagnes et des îles ou îlots de la Corée,
dont il est fait mention dans les ouvrages chi-
nois parvenus à ma connaissance. Dans le
but de faciliter les recherches, je donnerai
cette liste dans Tordre alphabétique européen,
et suivant Torthographe chinoise :

There are attached map on P80 and P81
Oulangto and Usan

Another Attached map
Sea of Japan: Mer du Japon
Yellow Sea: Mer Jaune Huang hai (黄海=Yellow Sea)
Ulluengdo and Jukdo(BoussouleRock)= Oulyangto Usan
Liancourt rocks(Takeshima) = not in this map

1865-1890French map Mer Du Japon.(Carte de la Coree)


1895.萬国略史 学部編纂局

1895.萬国略史 学部編纂局  "Briefly World history" by Korea education department (Daehan imperial)

巻一 第一遍総論 第二章
Volume 1 Section 1 General information Chapter2 P8-9 
海陸 Sea and Continent 


Sea is the part of Ocean and.................
Between Manchuria and Japan called Japan Sea.

巻一 第一遍総論 第二章 第九章 支那
Volume 1 Chapter 9 China P81

地界X東南X日本海X支那海X濱Xseinann X昆倫

The width of Chinese territory are Southwest between Japan sea and (East)China sea

cf:other Daehan Imperial textbooks describes "Sea of Japan" before annexation!.
1895.萬国略史 学部編纂局
1895.朝鮮地誌 学部編纂局
1895.小學萬國地誌  学部編纂局
1899-1906.大韓地誌 学部編纂局  玄采
1902.中等万國地誌 (Middle school world geography) Geography text in Korea
1906/1907.國語讀本 學部 編 
1907.06.28.幼年必讀釋義 教師用  玄采 編
1907.大韓新地志 学部編纂局 張志淵
1907.萬国地理 (World Geography 黃潤德 譯 普成館

1909/1910. (新訂)中等萬國新地志 Korea

Remarks; Korean use the name of "Sea of Japan"

1906.國語讀本 學部 編 (Korean national Language textbook)

1906/1907.國語讀本 學部 編  (Korean National Language textbook editted by Korea education department)


1906(光部10) and 1907(光武11) 巻三 第五課 江原道 (1906:19  1907:Vol3-23)
Volume 3 Lesson 5 Kanwondo.

Sea of Japan:日本海 (Sea of Japan)

1907.國語讀本 學部 編  (Korean National Language textbook editted by Korea education department)

巻八 第二課 清国  (12.17)
Volume 8. Lesson 2 Qing dynasty (China)

East China Sea :東海 (East Sea)
Yellow Sea:黄海(Yellow Sea)

巻八 第四課 満州 
Volume 8 Lesson 4  Manchuria
Sea of Japan:日本海(Sea of Japan)
Yellow Sea:黄海(Yellow Sea)

Remarks; Korean use the name of "Sea of Japan"

1842.Letters from Netherland. (海軍歴史 勝海舟)

海軍歴史 [第1冊] 巻之一  (Japan)Navy history Volume 1


一 貴國も今亦かくの如き災害に罹んとす凡災害は倉卒に発

After the La Perouse ,there are amany European fleets navigated around Sea of Japan . e.g. Krsenstern, Basil Hall and so on. and they feel worry about crush with them. this letter to ask avoiding accidental crush between them.


1907.06.28.幼年必讀釋義 教師用  玄采 編

1907.幼年必讀釋義 教師用  玄采 編

”Children must read lecture , for teacher's guidance" for Korean Imperial.


1907.幼年必讀釋義 巻一 教師用 Children must read lecture , for teacher's guidance
Page 4 第三課  大韓位置   Page 4 Lesson 3 Location of Daehan imperial

Sea of Japan: 日本海(Sea of Japan)
Broughton bay:朝鮮海(Joseon sea)
Yellow sea: 黄海(Yellow sea)
Strait of Korea:朝鮮海峡(Joseon strait)
(*Joseom means Tyo-sean (Korea))

cf:other Daehan Imperial textbooks describes "Sea of Japan" before annexation!.
1902.中等万國地誌 (Middle school world geography) Geography text in Korea
1907.萬国地理 (World Geography 黃潤德 譯 普成館
1909/1910. (新訂)中等萬國新地志 Korea

Dagelet part;

1907.幼年必讀釋義 巻一 教師用 Children must read lecture , for teacher's guidance
Page 4 第十四課  島嶼 鬱陵島 Page 4 Lesson14 Island-Ulluengdo

鬱陵島X北緯130度四十五分乃至五十三分 東経37度34分至31分間
Ullunegdo ,Latitude 130"45~130"53 Longtitude 37"34~37”31
(The author miswriting Latitude and longtitude)
(Liancourt Rocks(Takeshima) are on 131"55 longtitude , so out of Ulluengdo area)