La Coree
Paul Tournafond.
Paris, 1885
this book also write it "MER DU JAPON" (Sea of Japan) the sea between Korea,tartary and Japan. Aye, this book published on 1885 , it is earlier than Japan annexed Korea
on 1910. So Korean claim which "the name of Sea of Japan established
under the colonial rule of Korea", is distorture.
page i
Le royaume de Coree, situe au nord-est de l'asie, se compose d'une presquile de forme oblongue et d'un nombre assez considerable d'iles semees sur toute sa cote ouest.Il est situe entre 33°15’ et 42°25’ de latitude nord, 122°45’ et 128°30’ de longtitude est de Paris. Nous avons vu qu'il est ferme au nord par la fleuve du Ya-lou-Kiang, qu'il est ferme a nord par le fleuve du Ya-lou-kiang, qui vient se jeter a l'oucst dans la mer Jaune, et par le Mi-Kiang, qui se jette a l'est dans la mer du Japon.
La Russie prepare en Orient les fondementals D7un empire vaste. Ses posessions, a I'heure presente, se terminent a la frontiere meme de la Coree, depuis que L'Habilete du general Ignatieff a su arracher a la faiblesse de la Chine la posession des immenses territories de la Mandchourie, que baigne a l'est la mer du Japon.
La coree stored in Koreana museum , published on 1894.
Journal of the American Geographical Society, Vol22,1890.
From Corea to Quelpaert Island: In the Footprints of Kublai Khan
C. Chaillé-Long
Page [218] of 218-266 attached map; Sea of Japan.
Sea of Japan: Sea of Japan
Strait of Korea: Strait of Corea
East Korean sea or gulf or Broughton Bay; Broughton Bay
Yellow Sea : Yellow Sea
Argonaut Island
Dagelet Island
this map also write it "MER DU JAPON" (Sea of Japan) the sea between Korea,tartary and Japan. Aye, this book published on 1890 , it is earlier than Japan annexed Korea on 1910. So Korean claim which "the name of Sea of Japan established under the colonial rule of Korea", is distorture.
From Corea to Quelpaert Island: In the Footprints of Kublai Khan
C. Chaillé-Long
Page [218] of 218-266 attached map; Sea of Japan.
Sea of Japan: Sea of Japan
Strait of Korea: Strait of Corea
East Korean sea or gulf or Broughton Bay; Broughton Bay
Yellow Sea : Yellow Sea
Argonaut Island
Dagelet Island
![]() |
this map also write it "MER DU JAPON" (Sea of Japan) the sea between Korea,tartary and Japan. Aye, this book published on 1890 , it is earlier than Japan annexed Korea on 1910. So Korean claim which "the name of Sea of Japan established under the colonial rule of Korea", is distorture.
West Philippine Sea??? No it is South China Sea!
President Aquino newly claimed the name of West Philippne Sea on 5Sep2012 and refutal claim by Communist China on 13Sep.
BEIJING, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) -- Despite China urging the Philippines to ease tensions over Huangyan Island and promote bilateral ties, the country has officially named maritime areas near its coast, including part of China's territories in the South China Sea, the "West Philippine Sea."
On the other hand, , China's claim is groundless too that they claim "incruding part of China's terrotiries in the South China Sea". Sea name is nothing to do with EEZ or territorial issue.It is just a geographical or hydrographical naming issue. South Korea claims sea name with territorial issue , the illagally assaulted and illegally occupied by Korea, Takeshima(Liancourt Rocks) ,territory of Japan in Japan Sea.
49-South China Sea
On the East: From Tanjong Sambar through the West coast of Borneo to Tanjong Sampanmangio, the North point, thence a line to West Points of Balabac andSecam Reefs, on the West point of Bancalan Island and to Cape Buliluyan, the Southwest point of Palawan, through this island to Cabuli Point, the Northern point thereof, thence to the Northwest point of Busuanga and to Cape Calavite in the island of Mindanao, to the Northwest point of Lubang Island and Point Fuego in Luzon Island, thorugh this island to Cape Engano, the Northeast point of Luzon, along a line joining this cape with the East point of Balintang Island and to the East point of Y'Ami Island thence to Garan Bi, the Southern point of Taiwan (Formosa), through this island to Santryo its North Eastern Point.
On the North: From Fuki kaku the North point of Formosa to Kiushan Tao (TurnabourIsland) on to the South Point of Haitan Tao and thence Westward on the paralell of 25'24 Nort to the coast of Fukien
56-Philippine Sea
Is that area of the North Paicific Ocean off the Eastern coasts of the Philippne Islands, It is bounded;
On the west By the Eastern limits of the East Indian Archipelago (48) South China Sea 849) and the Eastern China Sea (50)
On the East By the ridge joining Japan to the Bonin, Volcano and Ladrone (mariana) islands, all these being included in the Philippine Sea
i can understand phlippine's anger against China commie because they got robbed their schaborough reef by China. but Sea name and territorial dispute should be separated.
Also,United States Board of Geo Name recognized South China Sea is "Approved" name.
Aquino signs order on West Philippine Sea
The Philippine Star Updated September 12, 2012 04:30 PM 35 comments to this post
The Philippine Star Updated September 12, 2012 04:30 PM 35 comments to this post
BEIJING, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) -- Despite China urging the Philippines to ease tensions over Huangyan Island and promote bilateral ties, the country has officially named maritime areas near its coast, including part of China's territories in the South China Sea, the "West Philippine Sea."
On the other hand, , China's claim is groundless too that they claim "incruding part of China's terrotiries in the South China Sea". Sea name is nothing to do with EEZ or territorial issue.It is just a geographical or hydrographical naming issue. South Korea claims sea name with territorial issue , the illagally assaulted and illegally occupied by Korea, Takeshima(Liancourt Rocks) ,territory of Japan in Japan Sea.
49-South China Sea
On the East: From Tanjong Sambar through the West coast of Borneo to Tanjong Sampanmangio, the North point, thence a line to West Points of Balabac andSecam Reefs, on the West point of Bancalan Island and to Cape Buliluyan, the Southwest point of Palawan, through this island to Cabuli Point, the Northern point thereof, thence to the Northwest point of Busuanga and to Cape Calavite in the island of Mindanao, to the Northwest point of Lubang Island and Point Fuego in Luzon Island, thorugh this island to Cape Engano, the Northeast point of Luzon, along a line joining this cape with the East point of Balintang Island and to the East point of Y'Ami Island thence to Garan Bi, the Southern point of Taiwan (Formosa), through this island to Santryo its North Eastern Point.
On the North: From Fuki kaku the North point of Formosa to Kiushan Tao (TurnabourIsland) on to the South Point of Haitan Tao and thence Westward on the paralell of 25'24 Nort to the coast of Fukien
56-Philippine Sea
Is that area of the North Paicific Ocean off the Eastern coasts of the Philippne Islands, It is bounded;
On the west By the Eastern limits of the East Indian Archipelago (48) South China Sea 849) and the Eastern China Sea (50)
On the East By the ridge joining Japan to the Bonin, Volcano and Ladrone (mariana) islands, all these being included in the Philippine Sea
i can understand phlippine's anger against China commie because they got robbed their schaborough reef by China. but Sea name and territorial dispute should be separated.
Also,United States Board of Geo Name recognized South China Sea is "Approved" name.
承政院日記粛宗20年5月24日 南九萬蔚陵島問題
○南九萬曰, 卽見東萊府使狀啓, 則向者倭人來言, 朝鮮人入於五竹島, 此後則無使更入云。彼所謂竹島, 卽我國蔚陵島也。臣見芝峯類說則曰, 倭奴占據礒竹島, 礒竹, 卽蔚陵島也。島一也, 而名稱有異, 彼不曰蔚陵, 而曰竹島者, 此不過厭其有蔚陵之名也。彼漢一出來, 尙可惡說, 再出則其爲害, 將至無窮, 豈不大可慮哉? 臣意則宜遣接慰官, 前去書啓還送事言之。且以回賓作主事, 責之矣。上曰, 予見芝峯類說及輿地圖, 則蔚陵島數字缺飄風人所居之地也。倭人所謂竹島, 必是蔚陵島也。其據名稱說, 意慮巧矣。以此責之, 可也。申汝哲曰, 倭人之據名稱說, 其造意之巧險, 於此可見。若不辨別, 任其所爲, 則彼將來據其地, 略無忌心。其爲貽害, 必至無一字缺矣。柳尙運曰, 彼漢, 一向施惡, 使我國之人, 不得接足於其島, 或有入去者, 則彼必捉送致責, 其弊難支矣。上曰, 若無變通之擧, 則必將有如此之弊矣。南九萬曰, 臣於向者, 登大關嶺, 望見其地勢, 則其島與蔚珍縣相對, 其中多有崇山峻嶺, 地方可百餘里矣。申汝哲曰, 臣適往觀魚臺, 望見其島, 則其間相距, 不甚遼遠, 視若南山之近矣。問諸漁人曰, 汝等漁於彼乎? 答曰, 彼處, 多有大魚, 故時時往漁矣。且其上, 有大木參天, 竹大如杠, 地且沃饒云。彼若知其可居而來據之, 則其附近三陟·江陵等地, 受害必多, 甚可慮也。南九萬曰, 臣見新羅圖, 則此島, 亦有國名, 降新羅納土貢。高麗太祖時, 島人獻方物, 我太宗朝, 不勝倭患, 遣按撫使, 刷出流民, 而空其地。卽今倭人來據, 非但以祖宗之地, 棄與他人, 將來之患, 有不可勝言者矣。更遣接慰官, 前去書狀還送事, 言之, 何如? 上曰, 前去書狀還送事, 送言, 可也。
○南九萬曰, 卽見東萊府使狀啓, 則向者倭人來言, 朝鮮人入於五竹島, 此後則無使更入云。彼所謂竹島, 卽我國蔚陵島也。臣見芝峯類說則曰, 倭奴占據礒竹島, 礒竹, 卽蔚陵島也。島一也, 而名稱有異, 彼不曰蔚陵, 而曰竹島者, 此不過厭其有蔚陵之名也。彼漢一出來, 尙可惡說, 再出則其爲害, 將至無窮, 豈不大可慮哉? 臣意則宜遣接慰官, 前去書啓還送事言之。且以回賓作主事, 責之矣。上曰, 予見芝峯類說及輿地圖, 則蔚陵島數字缺飄風人所居之地也。倭人所謂竹島, 必是蔚陵島也。其據名稱說, 意慮巧矣。以此責之, 可也。申汝哲曰, 倭人之據名稱說, 其造意之巧險, 於此可見。若不辨別, 任其所爲, 則彼將來據其地, 略無忌心。其爲貽害, 必至無一字缺矣。柳尙運曰, 彼漢, 一向施惡, 使我國之人, 不得接足於其島, 或有入去者, 則彼必捉送致責, 其弊難支矣。上曰, 若無變通之擧, 則必將有如此之弊矣。南九萬曰, 臣於向者, 登大關嶺, 望見其地勢, 則其島與蔚珍縣相對, 其中多有崇山峻嶺, 地方可百餘里矣。申汝哲曰, 臣適往觀魚臺, 望見其島, 則其間相距, 不甚遼遠, 視若南山之近矣。問諸漁人曰, 汝等漁於彼乎? 答曰, 彼處, 多有大魚, 故時時往漁矣。且其上, 有大木參天, 竹大如杠, 地且沃饒云。彼若知其可居而來據之, 則其附近三陟·江陵等地, 受害必多, 甚可慮也。南九萬曰, 臣見新羅圖, 則此島, 亦有國名, 降新羅納土貢。高麗太祖時, 島人獻方物, 我太宗朝, 不勝倭患, 遣按撫使, 刷出流民, 而空其地。卽今倭人來據, 非但以祖宗之地, 棄與他人, 將來之患, 有不可勝言者矣。更遣接慰官, 前去書狀還送事, 言之, 何如? 上曰, 前去書狀還送事, 送言, 可也。
鬱陵島関連 朝鮮側史料 備忘録
雪汀詩集卷之七 七言律詩 曺文秀
雪汀詩集卷之七 七言律詩 曺文秀
偶題 以下丹陽錄 b_024_475a
忘窩先生文集卷之三 次寄孝徵 金榮祖
忘窩先生文集卷之三 次寄孝徵 金榮祖
松沙先生文集卷之十七 烈婦裵氏旌閭重修記 奇宇萬
松沙先生文集卷之十七 (奇宇萬)
烈婦裵氏旌閭重修記 a_345_419d
肅宗辛酉。命旌故判事尹趪妻裵氏之閭。判事公當壬辰燹。舟師勤王。已有定筭。先移其家率于竹島。禦賊于蔚島。 賊衆我寡。被執不屈而死。裵夫人聞變號慟。方欲自裁。猝遇賊大罵。雖亂斫而不少挫。竟被害。少女年僅十四。以身翼蔽。同時遇害。二子之立之發方幼。被俘而 去。至倭橋得逃還。收母屍葬於先塋之側。事行在續三綱。曾孫參奉濟民上言。成命始降。表宅以時擧行。參奉公記其事。年久而閭圮。後孫以今年甲寅重修。秀士 哲成,炫植求爲記事之文。宇萬老且病。不堪爲役。而見今壬辰遺種。其禍有浮。三綱絶矣。臣而忘君者。滔滔皆是。夫忠與烈是一致。判事公之臣死於君。裵夫人之婦死於夫。皆足以樹風聲於後世。而及今而重修。道路改觀。或將爲激勵忠義之一大消息歟。然則先旌重修。雖尹氏一家之私。而寔有補於世風不少也。屢欷而
水村集卷之四 임방(任埅)
水村集卷之四 임방(任埅)
追寄通川守黃翰卿 鎭 別語 a_149_093a
恬軒集卷之八 西河任相元公輔 登高丘而望遠海行
恬軒集卷之八/詩 西河任相元公輔著
登高丘而望遠海行 a_148_226a
汾厓遺稿卷二 萊山錄 一
汾厓遺稿卷二/詩○萊山錄 一
萊館謾吟。 二首。
萊館謾吟。 二首。 a_129_334a
東里集卷之八 登大關嶺 李殷相
東里集卷之八/詩 李殷相
梨山集 角 :送李秀才天駿歸蔚陵島
梨山集 角
送李秀才天駿歸蔚陵島 (作者不詳)
細雨初晴夕日低, 故人南去蔚島棲, 亦知求友鶯遷木, 頻 賀歸程鷰蹴泥, 白雲持贈心還鬱, 明月相思意倍悽, 回頭 悵立春天暮, 垂柳藤蔓一樣齊
書蔚陵島圖後 b_019_045c (著者:申活?)
歲戊申之夏四月旣晦。余往棲于箕城之白巖山。山之絶頂有一菴。名曰桑日。蓋取扶桑日出之義也。觀其東臨大海。一望無際。上天下水。氣像萬千。眞勝境也。遙望東北。有一山聳出於烟海縹緲之中。所謂蔚陵島也。 是日纖雲捲盡。天朗氣淸。玉峀瑤岑。壁立雲表。千奇萬狀。箇箇呈露。或如三軍奮躍。劒戟交森。或如羣鯨噴海。怒鬣縱橫。或如層雲潑墨。疊影紛披。其餘獻奇 於眼前境019_045d界者不可一二計。何造化手段若是之奇巧也。世傳漢武帝求神仙。東廵海上。至碣石而還。安知一時迂怪之輩。指此爲蓬萊。使之候仙於 玆山也邪。噫三十六洞天。無則已。有則此山當爲之第一。若借得一片風帆。使鯤鵬翼舲。鯨鯢皷柁。萬里烟波。一瞬飄到。則紫府丹丘。擧足可躡。夫根月窟。翻 手可攀。蘇仙駕鶴之遊。博望乘槎之問。不期而當我之前矣。然後招王喬訪安期。共坐支機石上。吸盡無限金華。以資桑楡一半糧料。則可以凌霄漢出宇宙。俯視塵 寰。不知隔幾重雲水邪。顧以塵繮縛人。凡骨未蛻。咫尺崑崙。仙路杳茫。誠可以睹北嶽山019_046a靈之譏。發千古眞人之歎矣。雖然與其騁想於無何之 域。而取必於不可必之事。莫如收拾奇觀。幻諸一幅霜綃。掛之中堂。收入雙眸。則十洲三島之勝。自然森列於几案之間。而其得於胷次者。亦將助發吾浩然之氣 矣。豈特巍然其高。坎然其深者。只爲悅目喪心之具而已哉。然則其必有翫而樂之者矣。其必有樂而不知老之將至者矣。於是使山僧摸得一本而藏之。且書四韻詩二 絶。以爲他日遣懷之一資云。
鬱陵島関連 日本史料 備忘録
西郷南洲書簡集 図書 加治木常樹 編 (実業之日本社, 1911)
解説 煙台は芝?の別名なり、五年の秋池上四郎より南洲宛の書簡、外務省へ届きたるを、南洲に伝送したるに対し、折返して、地図の事を問い合わせたるなり
解説 煙台は芝?の別名なり、五年の秋池上四郎より南洲宛の書簡、外務省へ届きたるを、南洲に伝送したるに対し、折返して、地図の事を問い合わせたるなり
著者 松村松盛
出版地 (publicationPlace) 東京
出版者 (publisher) 帝国地方行政学会
1931.5 島めぐり
西亀正夫 著 著者 1883-1945
出版地 東京 出版者 厚生閣書店
日本海の島 鬱陵島 お銭の無い国 獅子をつれて征伐
1932.偉人伝全集. 第12巻
第11 長崎留守訳時代の岩崎弥太郎
白柳, 秀湖, 1884-1950 東京 出版者 (publisher) 改造社
その頃長崎に白楽と呼ぶ朝鮮人が居て少しは文字を解し酒間の斡旋くらい は出来た。弥太郎はこの白楽と、對週の浪士天草二郎(著者註:多分辮名であらう)と呼ぶものを介して識合になつた。筆談は弥太郎の得意とする所であったか ら、弥太郎はこの白楽からだんだんと朝鮮の事情を知ることが出来た
投稿 (Atom)