Vank, Korean Stupid fascist/ultra-nationalist ethnocentrist group which spamm korean fabricated propaganda arond the world, They targetted on my blog?
To all the company who got spam attack from Korean or Vank,
They are not your customer or user of your products. They are just a claimer who spoiled ethno-centrism and nationalism by the Korean governemtal brainwashed propaganda of Ant-Japan .
Better just ignore those fascist student claim. There are more customer and consumer in Japan than in Korea. Korean usually illegally love to copy or steal patent/copyright of your products and trade it it. /buy it, altough Japanese buy your genuine products of yours.
北歴史研究所長「東海表記の始原は高句麗以前の扶余」~日本は日本海と言っていなかった 2011.05.23
北朝鮮の社会科学院歴史研究所チョ・ヒスン所長は在日<朝鮮新報>との「朝鮮東海表記問題」に 関するインタビューでこのように話し「その当時から朝鮮民族はこちらの海を‘東海’と呼びならわ
特に、彼は東海表記の正当性と関連して「朝鮮半島は東側、南側、西側がみな海に面しており、 これらは昔から‘東海’、‘南海’、‘西海’と呼ばれてきた。資料だけ見ても‘三国史記’、‘三国遺事’をはじめとする様々な民族古典に明記されている」としながら「また、広開土王陵碑をはじめと する金石文にも‘東海’と明らかになっている。海の名前まで含んだ地名にも歴史性がある」と詳 細に明らかにした。


実事求是 〜日韓のトゲ、竹島問題を考える〜 第26回 「東北アジア歴史財団」主催の「東海独島古地図展」について
・合わせて彼は「日本の天文学者、桂川甫周が1794年に作成した‘亜細亜全図’でこの海を‘朝鮮 海’と表記している」としながら「日本の人々も‘朝鮮海’、‘東海’などと呼んだところで‘日本海’と いったわけではなかった」と付け加えた。
甫周は、地球儀用紙片 寛政四年(1792)(津市図書館)も作成しておりますが、日本海と書いています。朝鮮側主張にとって都合のいい部分だけを抜き出して主張するのは止めて欲しいと思います。

まず第一に、朝鮮半島の東岸を「朝鮮海」と書いているもの。第二に、朝鮮海峡から慶尚道の辺りを朝鮮海と書いているもの。 第三に、日本海の中央に書かれているもの、に分けられます。
甫周の亜細亜全図の場合は、この第一のパターンの、朝鮮半島東岸に「朝鮮海」と書いているものです。(以下は内閣文庫所蔵 『北槎聞略』付図 亜細亜全図 『北槎聞略』付図
斎藤基彦様のページ、地図礼賛 その4 「北方地図」 より引用

なぜか甫周の地図だけを朝鮮人はここであげているようですが、この時代の蘭学者製作の地図には、1790.華夷一覧図 木村蒹葭堂 や1792.地球全図. [上,下] / 司馬江漢 写并刻 など、日本海と記載されたものがあります。こういったものを、意図的に無視しているようです。


・進んで、‘日本海’表記と関連、彼は「日本という国号自体が670年頃に出てきたもの」としながら 「日本が‘日本海’と言い始めたのはきわめて近世期に入ってからだ。その背景には朝鮮強制占 領をはじめとする帝国主義的膨張策動がある」と指摘した。
この指摘も間違いです。西洋での日本海呼称の定着化はLa PerouseやKrusenstern等、日本海の航海者の影響が強く、これらが契機とされています。 日本において、蘭学者はD'anville以降、西洋では朝鮮海という地図も作成され居たので、その影響でそれらを引き写して書いた蘭学者も居ますが、こうしたLa Perouse,Krusenstern以降の海図の影響を、日本の蘭学研究者は取り入れていくことによって、日本海の地図が増えました。
また西洋では日本海と朝鮮海峡の名称がLa PerouseやKrusenstern以降、すでに1850年にはすでに確立しておりましたし、それ以降、海図や水路誌(Pilot guide)などに記載されています。そういった西洋の書物を日本が輸入する事によって、日本でも日本海呼称が確立したと考えられます。
また、朝鮮でも、西洋の学問の輸入が始まり、とくに、1890年くらいから、西洋の地理所を翻訳したものが出回り始めます。そういった西洋の成果を朝鮮も取り入れることによって、朝鮮も「日本海」という呼称を教科書に書いて使用していました。これらは、所謂「朝鮮強制占 領をはじめとする帝国主義的膨張策動がある」 1910年よりも以前の話です。
・すなわち「1929年に開かれた国際水路機構の会議で日本はこちらの海を‘日本海’で申請して登 録を勝ち取った」としながら「国際水路機構は世界の海の表記を標準化するための会議なのに、 当時の朝鮮は植民地支配下にあったので自分の代表を派遣できなかった。言ってみれば帝国主 義侵略策動の産物の一つがすなわち‘日本海’表記ということができる」ということだ
1909年の韓国併合以前の話どころか、1830-1850年代にすでに日本海(Sea of Japan)および朝鮮海峡(Strait of Korea)が国際的に定着していた事を考えると、1929年の会議でそれが東海に変更される可能性は限りなく低いと考えます。1904年のGEBCO chartでもすでにBassin du japon(日本海盆)という、日本にちなんだ名称が記載されていますし、このブログをご覧になっている方はご承知とは思いますが、地図だけでなく、水路誌や文献においても日本海一色です。
合わせて彼は「最近、世界で出版される地図で‘東海’と‘日本海’を併記するのかでなければ朝 鮮半島に近いところは‘東海’、日本に近いところは‘日本海’と表記する流れが現れ始めた」と付 け加えた。
問題は、東海の話ですが、これらは、今日の東朝鮮湾(Broughton Bay)に当てはめる事で解決すればよろしいと思います。なぜならこの海が「朝鮮海」「東朝鮮海」などと西洋の地図にも記載がされていたからです。
また、別の代案を考えますと、報道などでは、(日本海部分の)朝鮮半島東岸付近、という記述をすれば問題がないです。これは、 昨年の米韓合同軍事演習の際にも使用(East coast of Korean peninsula)された経緯があります。
歴史的経緯を見ると、日本と韓国は、日本海と朝鮮海峡という、二つの海の名称をそれぞれの名前を冠した名称を分け合ったといえるでしょう。 これを韓国は歪曲主張を通じて、島根の竹島だけでなく、日本海まで強奪するという悪辣な反平和主義プロパガンダを展開しているわけです。
*Korean abuses lies more 671 times than Japanese (Donga ilbo)
北朝鮮の社会科学院歴史研究所チョ・ヒスン所長は在日<朝鮮新報>との「朝鮮東海表記問題」に 関するインタビューでこのように話し「その当時から朝鮮民族はこちらの海を‘東海’と呼びならわ
特に、彼は東海表記の正当性と関連して「朝鮮半島は東側、南側、西側がみな海に面しており、 これらは昔から‘東海’、‘南海’、‘西海’と呼ばれてきた。資料だけ見ても‘三国史記’、‘三国遺事’をはじめとする様々な民族古典に明記されている」としながら「また、広開土王陵碑をはじめと する金石文にも‘東海’と明らかになっている。海の名前まで含んだ地名にも歴史性がある」と詳 細に明らかにした。
実事求是 〜日韓のトゲ、竹島問題を考える〜 第26回 「東北アジア歴史財団」主催の「東海独島古地図展」について
・合わせて彼は「日本の天文学者、桂川甫周が1794年に作成した‘亜細亜全図’でこの海を‘朝鮮 海’と表記している」としながら「日本の人々も‘朝鮮海’、‘東海’などと呼んだところで‘日本海’と いったわけではなかった」と付け加えた。
甫周は、地球儀用紙片 寛政四年(1792)(津市図書館)も作成しておりますが、日本海と書いています。朝鮮側主張にとって都合のいい部分だけを抜き出して主張するのは止めて欲しいと思います。
まず第一に、朝鮮半島の東岸を「朝鮮海」と書いているもの。第二に、朝鮮海峡から慶尚道の辺りを朝鮮海と書いているもの。 第三に、日本海の中央に書かれているもの、に分けられます。
甫周の亜細亜全図の場合は、この第一のパターンの、朝鮮半島東岸に「朝鮮海」と書いているものです。(以下は内閣文庫所蔵 『北槎聞略』付図 亜細亜全図 『北槎聞略』付図
斎藤基彦様のページ、地図礼賛 その4 「北方地図」 より引用
なぜか甫周の地図だけを朝鮮人はここであげているようですが、この時代の蘭学者製作の地図には、1790.華夷一覧図 木村蒹葭堂 や1792.地球全図. [上,下] / 司馬江漢 写并刻 など、日本海と記載されたものがあります。こういったものを、意図的に無視しているようです。

・進んで、‘日本海’表記と関連、彼は「日本という国号自体が670年頃に出てきたもの」としながら 「日本が‘日本海’と言い始めたのはきわめて近世期に入ってからだ。その背景には朝鮮強制占 領をはじめとする帝国主義的膨張策動がある」と指摘した。
この指摘も間違いです。西洋での日本海呼称の定着化はLa PerouseやKrusenstern等、日本海の航海者の影響が強く、これらが契機とされています。 日本において、蘭学者はD'anville以降、西洋では朝鮮海という地図も作成され居たので、その影響でそれらを引き写して書いた蘭学者も居ますが、こうしたLa Perouse,Krusenstern以降の海図の影響を、日本の蘭学研究者は取り入れていくことによって、日本海の地図が増えました。
また西洋では日本海と朝鮮海峡の名称がLa PerouseやKrusenstern以降、すでに1850年にはすでに確立しておりましたし、それ以降、海図や水路誌(Pilot guide)などに記載されています。そういった西洋の書物を日本が輸入する事によって、日本でも日本海呼称が確立したと考えられます。
また、朝鮮でも、西洋の学問の輸入が始まり、とくに、1890年くらいから、西洋の地理所を翻訳したものが出回り始めます。そういった西洋の成果を朝鮮も取り入れることによって、朝鮮も「日本海」という呼称を教科書に書いて使用していました。これらは、所謂「朝鮮強制占 領をはじめとする帝国主義的膨張策動がある」 1910年よりも以前の話です。
・すなわち「1929年に開かれた国際水路機構の会議で日本はこちらの海を‘日本海’で申請して登 録を勝ち取った」としながら「国際水路機構は世界の海の表記を標準化するための会議なのに、 当時の朝鮮は植民地支配下にあったので自分の代表を派遣できなかった。言ってみれば帝国主 義侵略策動の産物の一つがすなわち‘日本海’表記ということができる」ということだ
1909年の韓国併合以前の話どころか、1830-1850年代にすでに日本海(Sea of Japan)および朝鮮海峡(Strait of Korea)が国際的に定着していた事を考えると、1929年の会議でそれが東海に変更される可能性は限りなく低いと考えます。1904年のGEBCO chartでもすでにBassin du japon(日本海盆)という、日本にちなんだ名称が記載されていますし、このブログをご覧になっている方はご承知とは思いますが、地図だけでなく、水路誌や文献においても日本海一色です。
合わせて彼は「最近、世界で出版される地図で‘東海’と‘日本海’を併記するのかでなければ朝 鮮半島に近いところは‘東海’、日本に近いところは‘日本海’と表記する流れが現れ始めた」と付 け加えた。
問題は、東海の話ですが、これらは、今日の東朝鮮湾(Broughton Bay)に当てはめる事で解決すればよろしいと思います。なぜならこの海が「朝鮮海」「東朝鮮海」などと西洋の地図にも記載がされていたからです。
また、別の代案を考えますと、報道などでは、(日本海部分の)朝鮮半島東岸付近、という記述をすれば問題がないです。これは、 昨年の米韓合同軍事演習の際にも使用(East coast of Korean peninsula)された経緯があります。
歴史的経緯を見ると、日本と韓国は、日本海と朝鮮海峡という、二つの海の名称をそれぞれの名前を冠した名称を分け合ったといえるでしょう。 これを韓国は歪曲主張を通じて、島根の竹島だけでなく、日本海まで強奪するという悪辣な反平和主義プロパガンダを展開しているわけです。
*Korean abuses lies more 671 times than Japanese (Donga ilbo)
1904.Geography of Asia
Geography of Asia (1904)
Author: Charles Daniel Tenney
Publisher: Macmillan
attached map: Sea of Japan, Korea Strait, Yellow Sea ,East China Sea or Tunghai.

(By the way, in the map Ulluengdo describes as Dagelet)
Text:Sea of Japan, Yellow Sea
Corea, or Chosen (高麗即朝鮮)is a peninsula situated between the Yellow Sea(黄海) and the Japan Sea(日本海).It is bounded on the north by Manchuria, on the north-east by Siberia, on the east by the Japan Sea, on the south by the Channel of Corea, and on the west by the Yellow Sea. .
Japan (日本) The Empre of Japan consists of a long chain of islands separeted from Asia bythe sea of Okotsuk and the Japan Sea. It commences with the Kurile Islands on the north and ends with Formosa on the south; it extends from the latitude of Hei-lung-chaing to that of Kuangtung. The total number of islands is about 3000.
*Aye, this map made on 1904 it is earlier than Japan annexed Korea on 1910. So Korean claim which "the name of Sea of Japan established under the colonial rule of Korea", is distorture.
Korean abuses lies more 671 times than Japanese (Donga ilbo)
Author: Charles Daniel Tenney
Publisher: Macmillan
attached map: Sea of Japan, Korea Strait, Yellow Sea ,East China Sea or Tunghai.

(By the way, in the map Ulluengdo describes as Dagelet)
Text:Sea of Japan, Yellow Sea
Corea, or Chosen (高麗即朝鮮)is a peninsula situated between the Yellow Sea(黄海) and the Japan Sea(日本海).It is bounded on the north by Manchuria, on the north-east by Siberia, on the east by the Japan Sea, on the south by the Channel of Corea, and on the west by the Yellow Sea. .
Japan (日本) The Empre of Japan consists of a long chain of islands separeted from Asia bythe sea of Okotsuk and the Japan Sea. It commences with the Kurile Islands on the north and ends with Formosa on the south; it extends from the latitude of Hei-lung-chaing to that of Kuangtung. The total number of islands is about 3000.
*Aye, this map made on 1904 it is earlier than Japan annexed Korea on 1910. So Korean claim which "the name of Sea of Japan established under the colonial rule of Korea", is distorture.
Korean abuses lies more 671 times than Japanese (Donga ilbo)
Asia (1897)
Author: Frank George CarpenterPublisher: American Book Co.
Attached Map: Sea of Japan

Attached map2: Sea of Japan, Yellow Sea

text:Yellow Sea
We cross the Tenisi and ranches of the Obi and finally reach the boundary of Europe near the Uran Mountains. As our train stops in one of the passes we take out last look at Asia and the great country of Siberia through which we have come, seeing in our minds this mighty trnk line, which now reaches from here to the Pacific Ocean , and by a branch line through Manchuria to the Yellow Sea and inland to Peking.
Text:east coast (of Korea)
But let us travel over the mountains, and visit the great city of Seoul. It tis the largest city of Korea, and it is the home of the king and his court. It is only twenty-six miles from Chemulpo, the chif seaport harlfway up the east coast, and there is now a railroad connectiong to the two places.
1884.The earth and its inhabitants, Asia
The earth and its inhabitants, Asia (1884)
Author: Reclus, Élisée, 1830-1905; Keane, A. H. (Augustus Henry), 1833-1912
Publisher: New York : D. Appleton
Attached Map:Sea of Japan.
Dagelet(Ullleungdo/Matsu-sima) ,Hornet Rocks (Shimane-Takeshima,Liancourt Rocks)

Text:Sea of Japan
The threee curves of the Kuriles, Hondo, and Liu-Kiu rise above the depest known oceanic waters. But on their west side they are separated from the main-land only by superficial cavities. Though Sakhalin, Japan, so to say, touches the continent; while through Kiu-siu and the intermediate island of Tsu-sima it approacheds Korea in waters nowhere more than 400 feeet deep. A profond trough is developed only between the Gulf of Tartary and the two strait of Tsu-sima, where the sounding line has recovered 1500 fathoms near Cape Kozakov on the north-east coast of Korea. Towards the middle of the Sea of Japan still greater depth probably occur
One of the navive name of the archipelago is Oho-ya-sima, or "Eight Large Islands;" Sado, Tsu-sima, Oki and Iki in the Sea of Japan and Avadxi in the Inland Sea, being also incruded amongst the main islands.
On the north side of the large island the two cities of Tsuruga and Obam on Vakasa Bay correspond to those of Ohosaka and Hiogo, which which they communicate through Lake Biva and the neighbouring depressions. These northern parts of the isthmus, turned towards the storm-tossed sea of Japan, and possessing mercly a narrow strip of arabic land at the foot of the hills, could scarcely hope to compete with the commercial cities of the southern shores.
text:Strait of Korea
The first accurate observations date only from the eighteenth century, and it was not till 1787 that La Perouse determinded the position of the large island of Quelpuert (the Tanglo of the Chinese, and Tamuro of the Japanese),. and surveyed the Strait of Korea between the two inland seas. Ten years afterwards Broughton coasted the southern extremity, passing through the strait which bears his name, and which flows between the mainland and the double island of Tsu-sima . Later on Krusenstern extended our knowlege of the coast north from the island of Kiu-siu , and the work of exploration was continued during the present century by Maxwell, Basil Hall, and others of varous nationalities.
Mineral, wealth-flora and fauna-climate Amongst the volcanic islands on the coast, Ollonto, the Japanese Matsu-sima, and the Dagelet of European geographers, forms a cone over 4,000 feet high, while its spurs plunge into depths of 4,500 feet and upwards. But the reports of the missionaries throw no light on the geological formation of the highlands on the mainland. Gold, however, is stated to be abundant in several places; but mining operations, both for it and for silver, are forbidden under severe penalties, for fear of exciting the cupidity of the neighbouring people. Korea also posesses deposits of lead and copper , altohugh copper nad bronze weare are imported from Japan. There are said to be whole mountains of iron ores, which are washed down by the rains in quantities fufficient to supply the smelting works.
*Aye, this map made on 1884, it is earlier than Japan annexed Korea on 1910. So Korean claim which "the name of Sea of Japan established under the colonial rule of Korea", is distorture.
Author: Reclus, Élisée, 1830-1905; Keane, A. H. (Augustus Henry), 1833-1912
Publisher: New York : D. Appleton
Attached Map:Sea of Japan.
Dagelet(Ullleungdo/Matsu-sima) ,Hornet Rocks (Shimane-Takeshima,Liancourt Rocks)

Text:Sea of Japan
The threee curves of the Kuriles, Hondo, and Liu-Kiu rise above the depest known oceanic waters. But on their west side they are separated from the main-land only by superficial cavities. Though Sakhalin, Japan, so to say, touches the continent; while through Kiu-siu and the intermediate island of Tsu-sima it approacheds Korea in waters nowhere more than 400 feeet deep. A profond trough is developed only between the Gulf of Tartary and the two strait of Tsu-sima, where the sounding line has recovered 1500 fathoms near Cape Kozakov on the north-east coast of Korea. Towards the middle of the Sea of Japan still greater depth probably occur
One of the navive name of the archipelago is Oho-ya-sima, or "Eight Large Islands;" Sado, Tsu-sima, Oki and Iki in the Sea of Japan and Avadxi in the Inland Sea, being also incruded amongst the main islands.
On the north side of the large island the two cities of Tsuruga and Obam on Vakasa Bay correspond to those of Ohosaka and Hiogo, which which they communicate through Lake Biva and the neighbouring depressions. These northern parts of the isthmus, turned towards the storm-tossed sea of Japan, and possessing mercly a narrow strip of arabic land at the foot of the hills, could scarcely hope to compete with the commercial cities of the southern shores.
text:Strait of Korea
The first accurate observations date only from the eighteenth century, and it was not till 1787 that La Perouse determinded the position of the large island of Quelpuert (the Tanglo of the Chinese, and Tamuro of the Japanese),. and surveyed the Strait of Korea between the two inland seas. Ten years afterwards Broughton coasted the southern extremity, passing through the strait which bears his name, and which flows between the mainland and the double island of Tsu-sima . Later on Krusenstern extended our knowlege of the coast north from the island of Kiu-siu , and the work of exploration was continued during the present century by Maxwell, Basil Hall, and others of varous nationalities.
Mineral, wealth-flora and fauna-climate Amongst the volcanic islands on the coast, Ollonto, the Japanese Matsu-sima, and the Dagelet of European geographers, forms a cone over 4,000 feet high, while its spurs plunge into depths of 4,500 feet and upwards. But the reports of the missionaries throw no light on the geological formation of the highlands on the mainland. Gold, however, is stated to be abundant in several places; but mining operations, both for it and for silver, are forbidden under severe penalties, for fear of exciting the cupidity of the neighbouring people. Korea also posesses deposits of lead and copper , altohugh copper nad bronze weare are imported from Japan. There are said to be whole mountains of iron ores, which are washed down by the rains in quantities fufficient to supply the smelting works.
*Aye, this map made on 1884, it is earlier than Japan annexed Korea on 1910. So Korean claim which "the name of Sea of Japan established under the colonial rule of Korea", is distorture.
1817.1820.H.M.S Alceste 's expedition around Corean Coast.
Voyage of His Majesty's Ship Alceste, to China, Corea, and the Island of Lewchew: (1820)Author: John M'Leod
Publisher: John Murray
This country, which is also called Chau-tsien by the Chinese, and Solho by the Mantchew Tartars, is, by the most authentic reports, separeted on the north and north-west from the Tartar provinces by a chain of mountains, and at one part from Lea-tung by a barrier of palisades; it is bounded on the west by the Yellow Sea, and on the east by the sea of Japan; the straits of Corea, about 86 miles wide, dividing it on the south-east from the latter country.
Narrative of a voyage in His Majesty's late ship Alceste, to the Yellow Sea, along the coast of Corea, and through its numerous hitherto undiscovered islands, to the island of Lewchew : with an account of her shipwreck in the straits of Gaspar.(1817)
East China Sea=Tunghai, Eastern Sea
On the 13th July the squadron (four ships and the brig) sailed; and, coasting along the provnces of Quang-tung and Pokien, passed through the Strait of Formosa, and entered the Tung Hai, or Eastern Sea.
Chart Shewing the Track & Discoveries of His Majesty's Ships Alceste & Lyra, in the Eastern & Yellow Seas, with the adjacent parts from the best authorities.
Japanese Sea
Strait of Core
Tung-Hai-Eastern Sea
*Aye, this book published on 1820, it is earlier than Japan annexed Korea on 1910. So Korean claim which "the name of Sea of Japan established under the colonial rule of Korea", is distorture. Japan and Korea deveides their name, one is Sea of Japan ,the oher is Strait of Korea (and East Korean gulf-Broughton bay)
Publisher: John Murray
This country, which is also called Chau-tsien by the Chinese, and Solho by the Mantchew Tartars, is, by the most authentic reports, separeted on the north and north-west from the Tartar provinces by a chain of mountains, and at one part from Lea-tung by a barrier of palisades; it is bounded on the west by the Yellow Sea, and on the east by the sea of Japan; the straits of Corea, about 86 miles wide, dividing it on the south-east from the latter country.
Narrative of a voyage in His Majesty's late ship Alceste, to the Yellow Sea, along the coast of Corea, and through its numerous hitherto undiscovered islands, to the island of Lewchew : with an account of her shipwreck in the straits of Gaspar.(1817)
East China Sea=Tunghai, Eastern Sea
On the 13th July the squadron (four ships and the brig) sailed; and, coasting along the provnces of Quang-tung and Pokien, passed through the Strait of Formosa, and entered the Tung Hai, or Eastern Sea.
Chart Shewing the Track & Discoveries of His Majesty's Ships Alceste & Lyra, in the Eastern & Yellow Seas, with the adjacent parts from the best authorities.
Japanese Sea
Strait of Core
Tung-Hai-Eastern Sea
*Aye, this book published on 1820, it is earlier than Japan annexed Korea on 1910. So Korean claim which "the name of Sea of Japan established under the colonial rule of Korea", is distorture. Japan and Korea deveides their name, one is Sea of Japan ,the oher is Strait of Korea (and East Korean gulf-Broughton bay)
1870.A vocabulary of proper names, in Chinese and English, of places, persons, tribes, and sects, in China, Japan, Corea, Annam, Siam, Burmah, the Str
A vocabulary of proper names, in Chinese and English, of places, persons, tribes, and sects, in China, Japan, Corea, Annam, Siam, Burmah, the Straits and adjacent countries (1870)
Author: Smith, F. Porter (Frederick Porter), 1833-1888
Publisher: Shanghai, Presbyterian mission press
text: sea of japan
吉林 kirin
Kih-Jin, Kirin, or Ghirin, a large country to the N.E. of Shingking, bordering on the Sea of Japan , and the Gulf of Tartary. It is bounded on the Hing Ngan Ling, or Daourian Mountains, E. and N.E. by the ocean, S.E. by Corea, and the Palisade which devides it from Shingking, and W. by Mongolia and Tsisihar. It is devided into three ting departments, namely, Kirin ula, Petune ula, and Changh'm. This extensive region is thinly peopled by Manchus, who live by fishing and hunting.
Siau-tung-yang, the Sea of Japan. See Tung yang
Eastern Ocean東洋=Pacific Ocean, including the Yellow Sea, the strait of Corea and the Sea of japan.
Tung yang, the "Eastern Ocean," or the Pacific Ocean, including the Yellow Sea, the strait of Corea and the Sea of japan. This name is often applied to Japan and the Japanese. This name also occurs as the old name of Ning-teh hien in Fukien province.
東海 Eastern Sea South east coast of china
Tung hai, the "Eastern Sea," off the south-east coast of China. This was formerly the name of the present Yen-ching hien in Shantung.
黄海Yellow Sea
黄海 Hwang hai. This is a doubtful name met with in later Chinese composition and re-ferred to the Tung yang, or Yellow Sea. This was anciently called the 渤海、 puh-hai,being the point at which in the time of Yu the 逆河. Nih-bo, formed by the conjunction of the nine stream of the Ho, or Hwang Ha, pointed its waters into the "Turbid sea."
*Aye, this book published on 1870, it is earlier than Japan annexed Korea on 1910. So Korean claim which "the name of Sea of Japan established under the colonial rule of Korea", is distorture. Japan and Korea deveides their name, one is Sea of Japan ,the oher is Strait of Korea (and East Korean gulf-Broughton bay)
Author: Smith, F. Porter (Frederick Porter), 1833-1888
Publisher: Shanghai, Presbyterian mission press
text: sea of japan
吉林 kirin
Kih-Jin, Kirin, or Ghirin, a large country to the N.E. of Shingking, bordering on the Sea of Japan , and the Gulf of Tartary. It is bounded on the Hing Ngan Ling, or Daourian Mountains, E. and N.E. by the ocean, S.E. by Corea, and the Palisade which devides it from Shingking, and W. by Mongolia and Tsisihar. It is devided into three ting departments, namely, Kirin ula, Petune ula, and Changh'm. This extensive region is thinly peopled by Manchus, who live by fishing and hunting.
Siau-tung-yang, the Sea of Japan. See Tung yang
Eastern Ocean東洋=Pacific Ocean, including the Yellow Sea, the strait of Corea and the Sea of japan.
Tung yang, the "Eastern Ocean," or the Pacific Ocean, including the Yellow Sea, the strait of Corea and the Sea of japan. This name is often applied to Japan and the Japanese. This name also occurs as the old name of Ning-teh hien in Fukien province.
東海 Eastern Sea South east coast of china
Tung hai, the "Eastern Sea," off the south-east coast of China. This was formerly the name of the present Yen-ching hien in Shantung.
黄海Yellow Sea
黄海 Hwang hai. This is a doubtful name met with in later Chinese composition and re-ferred to the Tung yang, or Yellow Sea. This was anciently called the 渤海、 puh-hai,being the point at which in the time of Yu the 逆河. Nih-bo, formed by the conjunction of the nine stream of the Ho, or Hwang Ha, pointed its waters into the "Turbid sea."
*Aye, this book published on 1870, it is earlier than Japan annexed Korea on 1910. So Korean claim which "the name of Sea of Japan established under the colonial rule of Korea", is distorture. Japan and Korea deveides their name, one is Sea of Japan ,the oher is Strait of Korea (and East Korean gulf-Broughton bay)
1739.The general history of China. Containing a geographical, historical, chronological, political and physical description of the empire of China...
The general history of China. Containing a geographical, historical, chronological, political and physical description of the empire of China, Chinese-Tartary, Corea, and Thibet. Including an exact and particular account of their customs, manners, ceremonies, religion, arts and sciences .. (1739)
Author: Du Halde, J.-B. (Jean-Baptiste), 1674-1743; Brookes, Richard, fl. 1750. tr
Publisher: London, J. Watts
East China Sea: the Eastern Sea
Sea of Japan:The Sea of Japan
Yellow Sea: Hoang bai, or yellow Sea
The General History of An Abridgement of the History of Corea. (P394)
Corea, which may justily be called the Cberso-nesus of China, since it is contiguous and tributary to it, is a large Peninsula which runs out in the form of a Cape into the Eastern Sea between China and Japan; The Sea of Japan washes it on the East; the Gulph of Leao tong devides it from the Provinces of pe tchbe li and Cbang tong on the West; on the North it borders on the Country of Niu tcbe, on the South it hath the Ocean, and the River Ya lou, which bounding it between the South and North, devides it from Leao tong: Its Extent from East to West is twelve hundred Lys, and fron North to South two thousand and between two and three hundred Lys.
Corea is at this time devided into eight Provinces, which have a command over forty Kiun, or grat Cities; thirty three Pou, or Towns of the first Rank; fifty eight Tcbou, or Towns of the second Rank; and seventy Hien, or Towns of the third Rank. The first Province, which is in th heart of the Kingdom, and where the Kung keeps his Court, is call's King ki, or the Province of the Court: The Eastern is call'd Kiang yuen, or the Source of the River, the ancient habitation of the Me; the Western is call'd Hoang bai, or yellow Sea; it takes in Part of the ancient Tcbaosien, and the Country of the ancient Maban: The Northern is call'd Ping ngan, that is the Calm or the Pacifick; it was formerly included in the ncient Kungdom of Tcbaoszen:The Southern is call'd Tcuenlo; it was the habitation of the Pien ban: The South west Province was call'd Tchusin, the Faithful and Pure; it is the ancient Ma-ban: The North east is call'd Kien King, the Happy; it is the ancient Territory of the kaokiuli; Laftly the South east is calledd Kin cban, it is the ancient Country of the Tchin ban.
*Aye, this book published on 1739 , it is earlier than Japan annexed Korea on 1910. So Korean claim which "the name of Sea of Japan established under the colonial rule of Korea", is distorture.
Author: Du Halde, J.-B. (Jean-Baptiste), 1674-1743; Brookes, Richard, fl. 1750. tr
Publisher: London, J. Watts
East China Sea: the Eastern Sea
Sea of Japan:The Sea of Japan
Yellow Sea: Hoang bai, or yellow Sea
The General History of An Abridgement of the History of Corea. (P394)
Corea, which may justily be called the Cberso-nesus of China, since it is contiguous and tributary to it, is a large Peninsula which runs out in the form of a Cape into the Eastern Sea between China and Japan; The Sea of Japan washes it on the East; the Gulph of Leao tong devides it from the Provinces of pe tchbe li and Cbang tong on the West; on the North it borders on the Country of Niu tcbe, on the South it hath the Ocean, and the River Ya lou, which bounding it between the South and North, devides it from Leao tong: Its Extent from East to West is twelve hundred Lys, and fron North to South two thousand and between two and three hundred Lys.
Corea is at this time devided into eight Provinces, which have a command over forty Kiun, or grat Cities; thirty three Pou, or Towns of the first Rank; fifty eight Tcbou, or Towns of the second Rank; and seventy Hien, or Towns of the third Rank. The first Province, which is in th heart of the Kingdom, and where the Kung keeps his Court, is call's King ki, or the Province of the Court: The Eastern is call'd Kiang yuen, or the Source of the River, the ancient habitation of the Me; the Western is call'd Hoang bai, or yellow Sea; it takes in Part of the ancient Tcbaosien, and the Country of the ancient Maban: The Northern is call'd Ping ngan, that is the Calm or the Pacifick; it was formerly included in the ncient Kungdom of Tcbaoszen:The Southern is call'd Tcuenlo; it was the habitation of the Pien ban: The South west Province was call'd Tchusin, the Faithful and Pure; it is the ancient Ma-ban: The North east is call'd Kien King, the Happy; it is the ancient Territory of the kaokiuli; Laftly the South east is calledd Kin cban, it is the ancient Country of the Tchin ban.
*Aye, this book published on 1739 , it is earlier than Japan annexed Korea on 1910. So Korean claim which "the name of Sea of Japan established under the colonial rule of Korea", is distorture.
1905.The Far East
The Far East (1905)
Author: Little, Archibald John, 1838-1908
Subject: East Asia; China
Publisher: Oxford : The Clarendon Press
Corea, another of the whilom dependencies of China, but, since 1895, and independent "empire" comes next on our list. This, the Hermit Kingdom as it used to be called, lies between the Yellow Sea of China on the west and the Sea of Japan on the east and distant from either country about one hundred miles to the nearest point of the opposite shores:-the province of Shantung in China and that of Kiushiu in Japan.
Attached map:

Sea of Japan:SEA OF JAPAN
Strait of Korea:Korea Strait
East (China) Sea:EASTERN SEA

Sea of Japan:SEA OF JAPAN
Broughton Bay: Broughton B
Strait of Korea:----
Yellow Sea:Yellow Sea
East (China) Sea:East China Sea
*Aye, this map made on 1905, it is earlier than Japan annexed Korea on 1910. So Korean claim which "the name of Sea of Japan established under the colonial rule of Korea", is distorture. Japan and Korea deveides their name, one is Sea of Japan ,the oher is Strait of Korea (and East Korean gulf-Broughton bay)
Author: Little, Archibald John, 1838-1908
Subject: East Asia; China
Publisher: Oxford : The Clarendon Press
Corea, another of the whilom dependencies of China, but, since 1895, and independent "empire" comes next on our list. This, the Hermit Kingdom as it used to be called, lies between the Yellow Sea of China on the west and the Sea of Japan on the east and distant from either country about one hundred miles to the nearest point of the opposite shores:-the province of Shantung in China and that of Kiushiu in Japan.
Attached map:

Sea of Japan:SEA OF JAPAN
Strait of Korea:Korea Strait
East (China) Sea:EASTERN SEA

Sea of Japan:SEA OF JAPAN
Broughton Bay: Broughton B
Strait of Korea:----
Yellow Sea:Yellow Sea
East (China) Sea:East China Sea
*Aye, this map made on 1905, it is earlier than Japan annexed Korea on 1910. So Korean claim which "the name of Sea of Japan established under the colonial rule of Korea", is distorture. Japan and Korea deveides their name, one is Sea of Japan ,the oher is Strait of Korea (and East Korean gulf-Broughton bay)
1883.Observations upon the KOREAN Coast,Japanese-Korean Ports and Siberia.
Observations upon the Korean Coast ,Japanese -Korean Ports and Siberia made during a journey from the Asiatic Station to the United States through Siberia and Europe ,june 3 to September 8,1882(1883년 초판)
By:(U.S) Office of naval Intelligence Bureau of Navigation
Attached map; Sea of Japan
*Aye, this map made on 1882, it is earlier than Japan annexed Korea on 1910. So Korean claim which "the name of Sea of Japan established under the colonial rule of Korea", is big lies
By:(U.S) Office of naval Intelligence Bureau of Navigation
Attached map; Sea of Japan
*Aye, this map made on 1882, it is earlier than Japan annexed Korea on 1910. So Korean claim which "the name of Sea of Japan established under the colonial rule of Korea", is big lies
Help:My site is temporary unavaialbe
Sea of Japan, Strait of Corea, East Korean Gulf(Brouhghton Bay, East Sea(=East China Sea) is temporary unavailable.
other website get locked;
On 27th of April, my g-mail adress and account had blocked by google mechanically because of wrong spam recognization system by Google.
My g-mail adress had been got locked When I post a long comment on Dokdo-or-Takeshima on 26th, Google Auto-spam filter recognized my comment as SPAM. As I shown there, my comment is not spam. After Mr.Gerry removed my comment from Google automatic spam filter and recognized my one as normal comment, My g-mail and some website are recovered.
After recovery of my gmail, I got to know still my Sea of Japan site unavailable. from 28th of April I sent inquiry to Google but they sent no replies.
I'm thinking about stop google service and change other website/upload services.
Sorry for inconvinience for all readers and supporters;
other website get locked;
On 27th of April, my g-mail adress and account had blocked by google mechanically because of wrong spam recognization system by Google.
My g-mail adress had been got locked When I post a long comment on Dokdo-or-Takeshima on 26th, Google Auto-spam filter recognized my comment as SPAM. As I shown there, my comment is not spam. After Mr.Gerry removed my comment from Google automatic spam filter and recognized my one as normal comment, My g-mail and some website are recovered.
After recovery of my gmail, I got to know still my Sea of Japan site unavailable. from 28th of April I sent inquiry to Google but they sent no replies.
I'm thinking about stop google service and change other website/upload services.
Sorry for inconvinience for all readers and supporters;
韓国は、日本の671倍の嘘をつく事で有名で(日本の671倍偽証が氾濫する韓国の法廷 韓国人は世界一の嘘吐き民族(朝鮮日報)03/02/13) 、巷では、「呼吸をするように嘘をつく」と揶揄される事も多く聞かれます。韓国は一刻も早く、日本に対して謝罪と反省を行い、竹島ならびに日本海に関するこれらの理不尽な要求を引っ込める事が必要です。
2011.04.30「各国政府と国際機関は『東海』を併記しなくてはならない」 韓国政府、国際水路機関に意見
韓国は、日本の671倍の嘘をつく事で有名で(日本の671倍偽証が氾濫する韓国の法廷 韓国人は世界一の嘘吐き民族(朝鮮日報)03/02/13) 、巷では、「呼吸をするように嘘をつく」と揶揄される事も多く聞かれます。韓国は一刻も早く、日本に対して謝罪と反省を行い、竹島ならびに日本海に関するこれらの理不尽な要求を引っ込める事が必要です。
- 2011.04.29【日本海表記】南北、東海表記で協力…北朝鮮の提案に南(韓国)が呼応[04/29]
- 南北、東海表記協力..北提案に南呼応(総合)
名前の表記規定を採択して、日帝治下と韓国戦争(朝鮮戦争)を経る間、私たちは声を出すことができなく て東海が「日本海(Japan Sea)」と表記される結果を産んだ。
統一部によれば北側は中国を通じて東北アジア歴史財団にファックスを送ってきたし、これに対して私た ちの側は板門店(パンムンジョム)の赤十字のチャネルを通じて通知文を送ったと伝えられた。
東北アジア歴史財団は日本、中国などの歴史、領土問題歪曲に対応するために教育科学技術部傘下に 設立した政府外郭の研究機関だ。
ソース:聯合ニュース(韓国語) 2011/04/29 21:34 送稿
2011.04.30「各国政府と国際機関は『東海』を併記しなくてはならない」 韓国政府、国際水路機関に意見
- ○日本海と東海の併記を=国際水路機関に意見-韓国
□ソース:時事通信 2011/04/30-19:47
- (韓国)政府が最近国際水路機関(IHO)に対し、「東海と日本海の表記を併記しなければ
政府は原則的に、「東海の英文名称である『East Sea』のみ表記しなければならない」という
というパンフレットを発行しているが、現在まで『日本海(Japan Sea)』が公式名称として
- 韓国が「東海正名」を推進、「日本海・東海併記」を提唱
投稿 (Atom)