A new universal gazetteer, or geographical dictionary .. (1823)
Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826; Morse, Richard Cary, 1795-1868, joint author
Publisher: New Haven, S. Converse
TEXT;the Sea of Japan
Corea, a large country of Asia, E. of China and consisting of a penunsula, formed on on side by the Yellow Sea , ad on the other by the sea of Japan, 400 miles long, and 150 broad. Very little is known to Europeans about this country. The king pays tribute to the emperror of China; and in manners, religion, and written language, the people resembles the Chiese. The spoken dialect is entirely different. The same jealousy of foreign intercourse exists as in China and Japan.
Dagelet Island, in the sea of Japan. Lon.131"22'E. Lat 33"20'N
Tartary, This word in the most extensive sense, contains all the vast country of Asia, which lies between the Frozen sea to the N. and Persia. Hindoostan and China, to the S. and includes a great variety of nations, to which is applied the general name of Tartars of Tatars, with a particular one often applied from their local situation. Tartary maybe divided into three parts, vis, Chinese, Independent, and Russian. Chinese Tartary is bounded N. by Siberia ,E by the gulf of Kamtachtka and the Sea of Japan, S, by China and Thibet, and W, by Independent Tartary.
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