The text below are korean claim on White House "East Sea" petition. I point out how their claim is filled up with distorture by the Korean revisionist and fascist. I dare say people who join this petition must be Korean revisionist.
Sources from Yonhapnews.(ROK)
1. As a result of gruesome military expansionism, Japan changed "East Sea" (the original name of sea bordered by Korea, Russia, and Japan) to "Sea of Japan" in 1928
・True history: There are no EAST SEA on the chart before 1928. all of Pilot/Hydrographic magazine ,and Admiraly Chart 、Geography gazette use Sea of Japan and Strait of Corea.
The Korean claim "1" is fake propaganda.The Name of East Sea had never been in any world maps. Some maps describes "Sea of Korea", mostly before La Perouse's Sea of Japan navigation.but it had become rapidly minority from the world map after the La Perouse and Krusenstern's inspection on the Sea of Japan ,during 1780's to 1810's. Finally on 1840's minority "Sea of Korea" completely extinct. See Japanese goverment map reserch.
2. Korea was liberated in 1945, but Japan still refuses to return "East Sea" to its original identity.
3. Our veterans were the major force defeating Japan in World War II. We helped Korea to regain its freedom.
・True history:Korean use the name of "Sea of Japan" before annexation "
Before annexation of Korea by Japan on 1910, Global community includes United States use the name of Sea of Japan. In addition, Korean imperial already use the name of "Sea of Japan" as the global name. So, their issue "2" and "3" is nothing gound to rename Sea of Japan.
4 .However, we are still teaching our children a FALSE history that was manipulated by the invader who attacked "Pearl Harbor".
・True history:United States already use the name of Sea of Japan :1856.(1855)Narrative of expedition of American squadron to Japan by Mattew.C.Perry
United States already use the name of Sea of Japan till at least around 1850's ,before annexation of Korea(1910). they had never use the name of "East Sea". Those fact proves it is right name of " "Sea of Japan"
Please join us and sign this petition to correct a FALSE history in our textbooks. Our children have right to learn a TRUE history!
・Why Korean claims "East Sea"? It is because of Unwholesome nationalism
Those Korean education video which makes children spolied anti-Japanese propaganda.American teach false history??? Joke. Check Commandar Mattew Perry map aboarding USS Sasquehana, U.S navy also use the name of "Japan Sea" on 1850's. So, Korean claim "4" is FALSE propaganda which is not a HISTORY. In addition, Korean purpose to rename with revisionist theory is to justifies the illegal invasion of Takeshima island (Liancourt Rocks) on the Sea of Japan which are not signed in the Peace treaty with Japan as the isaland which Japan renounces"
Joining Korean false propaganda with anti-Japan movment makes it justifies you are Korean fascist and revisionist! See those video you can realize how they are brainwasied by Korean goveremental propaganda!.
韓国側の主張1: As a result of gruesome military expansionism, Japan changed "East Sea" (the original name of sea bordered by Korea, Russia, and Japan) to "Sea of Japan" in 1928
本当は:1928年の時点でも「East Sea」という表記は海図に存在しない。すべての水路誌や地名辞典は1850年代には既に日本海と朝鮮海峡を記述している。
・True history: all of Pilot/Hydrographic magazine ,and Admiraly Chart 、Geography gazette use Sea of Japan and Strait of Corea.
韓国側の主張”1!は事実を歪曲している反日プロパガンダです。 西洋の地図には「East Sea」という表記は最近まで記載されたことはありません。一時期、「Sea of Korea」と表記された地図は、あります。それは主にD'anvilleのRoyaume de Coree以降、ラペローズの日本海探検発表前の期間です。しかしながら、ラ・ペルーズやクルーゼンシュテルンの日本海探検によって、この「Sea of Korea」という表記が急減少、極僅かになり、最終的には1840年代に完全消滅します。
韓国側の主張 2.3
2. Korea was liberated in 1945, but Japan still refuses to return "East Sea" to its original identity.
3. Our veterans were the major force defeating Japan in World War II. We helped Korea to regain its freedom.
・True history:Korean use the name of "Sea of Japan" before annexation "
韓国の主張4 .:However, we are still teaching our children a FALSE history that was manipulated by the invader who attacked "Pearl Harbor".
・True history:United States already use the name of Sea of Japan :1856.(1855)Narrative of expedition of American squadron to Japan by Mattew.C.Perry
ペリーがサスケハナ号で日本に来航したのが1850年代ですが、アメリカはその後もSailing direction等の水路誌でも、「日本海」を使っています。これらは日露戦争(1905)や韓国併合(1910)よりも昔の出来事です。つまり、アメリカは別に間違った歴史を教えているわけではないのです。間違えた歴史で反日を煽っているのは、韓国政府です。
韓国の主張:Please join us and sign this petition to correct a FALSE history in our textbooks. Our children have right to learn a TRUE history!
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